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Original Illustration by Gina Escandon for Her Campus Media
Wellness > Mental Health

our campus & mental health

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Coastal Carolina chapter.

         As a psychology major, a self-proclaimed advocate for mental health, and someone who has struggled with anxiety most of my life, I find the conversation of mental health and well-being one of the most important to be had. Coastal Carolina University has been making strides over my 3.5 years at this university to increase the conversation, awareness, and accessibility to mental health resources. Coastal Carolina has focused efforts to improve the overall wellness of the campus community, as seen in consistent messages from our President and other campus officials, especially during times of social injustice or national news (such as the recent the University of Virginia shooting). It is imperative that the University continues to allow students to voice mental health concerns, as they have been doing, and create an open space for all.

The Counseling Services are available to students on campus and offer an array of therapies. Therapies include Individual, Couples, Roommate/Team-fusing Groups, Family, and Crisis intervention. Furthermore, students who are experiencing traumatic incidents and do not feel comfortable contacting the police or The Department of Public Safety on campus, can remain anonymous and receive free counseling. Coastal Carolina’s Counseling Services also can make local referrals for those who would best benefit from off-campus resources. These are often in cases of long-term therapy or evaluations. There are also ways for faculty and staff to submit anonymous reports to the Counseling Services, for students they believe may need help. It is also possible to contact the Department of Public Safety in emergent situations for wellness checks.

The LiveWell Office at Coastal Carolina promotes individual wellness on a physical and mental health level. TimelyMD is new to our campus but provides students with a virtual option to meet with doctors for more minor medical issues such as sinus infections, colds, UTIs, etc, or receive health coaching. Moreover, they have resources such as a live 24/7 support chat. They have an option for scheduled counseling visits, in which students can have 12 sessions. TimelyMD is a free platform for students and does not require any credit/debit card information, or proof of insurance.

While the clinical and official services are so important to campus, some may argue the most valuable sources come from peers. For example, Chants for Recovery is a group on campus, sponsored by the LiveWell Office that “provides a welcoming and inclusive environment” for CCU students who are in or seeking recovery from substance abuse. They aim to reduce the stigma, as well as offer recovery ally training, advocacy, and information. Chants for Recovery also provides information for local recovery treatment locations, support groups, and other recovery resources. SHORE and LiveWell Peer educators are also available on campus and promote awareness of physical and mental health to the Coastal Carolina community.

Personally, I have found support in my peers. Coastal Carolina University has introduced me to numerous opportunities, including Her Campus. I cannot speak for all chapters at Her Campus on a national level, but speaking for my chapter, the members involved are always there for each other. We all are very passionate about social justice, individual wellness, and most importantly – in my opinion – the physical and mental health of all members and our community. We tend to promote campus events, national news, or personal takes on mental health. I can only hope that these important operations and continued advocacy on campus continue to grow in success when I become an alum in just under a month.

Kaitlin Serad

Coastal Carolina '22

Kaitlin is a Psychology (forensic concentration) major and she minors in Intelligence and National Security at Coastal Carolina University. Kaitlin currently works at a local restaurant owned by her family. She loves true crime, binge-watching TV shows or movies, and spending time with family and friends.