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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Coastal Carolina chapter.

How to Create Your Own Focus Wall 

Have you ever wanted to escape back to a happier time? Creating a focus wall will keep fond memories fresh in your mind. A focus wall is basically a giant personal  collage. I first came up with the idea when I moved into University Place as a sophomore, two years ago. I love collecting anything that I attach a memory to or just anything beautiful. I had no idea what to do with my accumulating collection of art so I decided to dedicated a whole wall in my room for the items I cherished most. This is where the focus wall was born.

To me, the point of the focus wall is to keep the things that make you happiest right in front of you. I have a million paintings and drawings that I love, so why keep them stored somewhere where I will only look at them once a year? I used anything from seashells to old flowers, to magazine cutouts to build my perfect focus wall. After I moved from University Place into my house I had the opportunity to redecorate my focus wall. Now it has grown into a beautiful collage of my favorite memories, people, and things. The focus wall is perfect for any room with any theme because you can make it look how you want. You also can use the focus wall as a way to express yourself and the things you enjoy. 

Above is my first-ever focus wall. 


This is my new and updated focus wall, as you can see I made it more into a collage. I really like using bright colors in the collage to make it stand out more. I also really enjoy using Polaroids, they act as a great space filler and just make the collage flow more smoothly. 

Above is my friend, Marina’s focus wall. She and I went to London together, where we both collected a lot of stuff to add to our wall.

This is Marina’s photo collage


Tips for creating your focus wall: 

Collect materials: Whenever I see a cool business card or free handout I collect them for my wall. I also take a lot of pictures on my Polaroid and on my disposable camera. Stickers, concert tickets, postcards, small trinkets, and drawings are also great to add in your collage. 

Leave space for new findings: If you know space would look better with a certain item, color scheme, or shape save that space until you can fill it with something perfect. Doing this will make the collage flow seamlessly. 

Use the proper materials: Tape and command strips are the best materials you can use to keep your focus wall together. Command strip the larger items that can’t be taped. When taping things down, I always make sure the tape isn’t going to rip any paper or photographs for when I take it down. For polaroids, I fold the tape on the back and stick it on the wall. For disposables, I tape the four corners on the wall which gives it a smooth finish. 

Creating a focus wall will not only brighten up your room, but it will also brighten your mood. Putting up your proudest adventures and idealizing your best moments will remind you of your happiest days. You can start now by hanging up and few things and slowly collect more items, or just collect until you’re ready to start. I hope you’re inspired to make a focus wall of your own! 


Emily Thorpe

Coastal Carolina '19

Hey, I'm Emily! Im a senior communication major at CCU. I grew up in the Catskill Mountains in Upstate New York. I love art, music, the outdoors and traveling. I'm so excited to be apart of Her Campus.