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What it’s Like to Have Met Your Best Friends in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

I was lucky enough to meet my best friends freshman year of college, and I know that my college experience has been that much better with them in it. I can’t imagine my life without my best friends in it and I don’t know how I survived before they came around. So if your experience was similar to mine, you know this is what it’s like to have met your best friends in college:

  • There are a lot of fun conversations about what you guys were like freshman year

If your experience was anything like mine, I met my future best friends the first day of Welcome Week. It was definitely awkward at first, but it’s fun to reminisce about first impressions and all the freshman mistakes you guys made. That was the year you built your relationship and it’s amazing to be able to look back and see how far you guys have come.

  • You always have people to eat with

It’s always nice to know that you’ll have a friend around to go to the dining hall with. And the best conversations sometimes happen when you’re stuffing your faces.

  • You always have a great group to live with or hang out with

I’m lucky enough to be in a great living situation with my best friends. I know a lot of people try not to live with theirs, but it’s great if you do. And if not, it’s just nice having them on campus so you get to see them all the time. Though of course, this also makes it that much harder when you have to leave each other for breaks, but it’s so nice being able to look forward to seeing them when you all get back.

  • You always have someone to vent to

It’s nice knowing that after a rough day, I can just go to my best friends and lay it all out. There’s never any judgement and it always helps me get through whatever’s going on.

  • There’s always a shoulder to cry on

It’s also always nice having your best friends around to help you through emotional times. And it’s nice knowing that there are people around that will drop everything they’re doing to let you have a good cry, and make midnight ice cream runs with you when needed.

  • You always have them there to cheer you on

Of course, you also always get the best cheerleaders when times are going well. It’s nice having people you can share your accomplishments with and will root for you through everything.

  • There’s never a dull moment

No matter if your road tripping for the weekend or just chilling on the couch watching Netflix, there’s never a bad time to spend with your best friends. You’re always making memories, making each other laugh, and just enjoying each other’s company. No matter what happens when you’re with them, it’s always a fun time.

  • They’ve been through all your college ups and downs

These friends have seen you at your best and worst and they’ve never left your side. You don’t know how you’d make it through college without them.

  • You have people that make your college experience that much better

They say college is the best four years of your life, and whether or not that’s true, the experience is always ten times better with your best friends. Every amazing memory that’s happened to you during your college career usually involves your friends, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.

  • And you know you have people you’re going to be friends with for life

Although it’s going to be sad not seeing your best friends everyday once you graduate, you love knowing that you guys will never drift apart. These are your friends for life and you’re so excited to see what your future holds. 

FIrst I drink the coffee, then I do the things.