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Tyler Mandakunis ’18

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

Name: Tyler Mandakunis

Age: 20

Hometown: Newport News, Va.

Major: Political Science and American Studies

Year: Sophomore

Relationship status: Single

Campus Involvement: Running Club, College Republicans, Phi Alpha Delta

What is your favorite part about being a captain?

“The friendships you make here will last a lifetime.”

Do you have any hidden talents?

“I can run a 4 1/2 minute mile and I have a photographic memory.”

Did you play sports in high school?

“I played soccer, baseball, and basketball. I also played the saxophone in band if that counts.”

What is your idea of a perfect date?

“Basically anything that makes her happy as long as I get to spend time with her.”

What is the first thing you notice about a girl? 

“Her personality. I’m attracted to girls if they are easy to talk to and fun to be around.”

Guilty pleasure:

“Definitely watching North Carolina basketball and eating Häagen-Dazs ice cream.”

Favorite food? 

“Steak and mashed potatoes.”

Favorite singer/artist?

“Florida Georgia Line, and whatever is on the pop radio.”

What is your dream job?

“My dream job would definitely have to be President of the United States. That’d be cool.”