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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!! As the celebrations and weekend parties close in, here are some St. Patty’s Day themed drinks to array your table and wow your guests. Including both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, these recipes are sure to be a hit and will make your holiday celebrations even better.


The Grasshopper

The Grasshopper is the perfect drink for St. Patrick’s Day. It’s minty, it’s tasty, and it’s green! The recipe does require a shaker, but if one does not have the proper instrument, using a drink bottle with a wide opening and cap will work just fine.

Ingredients – 1 serving

  • 1 ½  ounces of mint liqueur – creme de menthe is best because it already provides the green coloring, but peppermint schnapps is an alternative option
  • 2 ounces of heavy cream
  • 1 ½ ounces crème de cacao
  • Garnish – mint leaves or chocolate shavings
  • Green food coloring if needed


  1. Put all of the liquid ingredients into a bottle/shaker along with a handful of ice – if using peppermint schnapps, also add in your desired amount of green food coloring
  2. Shake the bottle in quick and rapid movements back and forth until the drink is cold.
  3. Carefully strain the liquid  into a cup – make sure no ice is in the drink
  4. Garnish and enjoy!

Green Jell-o Shot

Now the jell-o shot is a college classic and with the green lime flavored mix, it’ll be a hit at a party and an easy drink to serve a large amount of people. 

Ingredients – Serves 10

  • 1 cup of cold water
  • 1 cup of water to boil
  • 3 ounces of lime flavored gelatin mix 
  • ½ cup of vodka 
  • 10 two-ounce plastic containers with lids


  1. Boil 1 cup of water.
  2. Set up the plastic containers on a flat surface.
  3. Pour the gelatin mixture into a medium sized bowl 
  4. Pour the boiling water into the bowl and stir the mixture
  5. When the gelatin is completely dissolved, pour in the vodka and the cold water and stir
  6. Pour the liquid into the containers until they are ¾ full
  7. Put the containers in the refrigerator and wait 2-3 hours for the gelatin to set. 
  8. Once the gelatin is solidified, put the lids on and refrigerate until consumed.


Leprechaun Hot Chocolate

March is the awkward month where it still has the winter cold and the beginning thaw of spring all meshed together at the same time. While March winds bring the chill, this drink will warm your insides and have you gleaming like a pot of gold. 

Ingredients – 1 serving

  • ¼ cup of white chocolate chips or chopped white chocolate
  • 1 cup of milk 
  • 1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract or honey 
  • green food dye
  • Garnish – whipped cream, green sprinkles or st. patrick’s day themed sprinkles


  1. Put the milk, white chocolate, and vanilla/honey into a pot and stir over medium heat until melted
  2. Add drops of green food coloring until desired color
  3. Pour hot chocolate into a cup, garnish and enjoy!

Minty Milk

First there was chocolate milk, then there was strawberry milk, and now there’s minty milk- the long awaited milk flavor that has yet to take place in American grocery store shelves. This creamy, soothing milk contains the subtle spearmint that gives the taste of mint chocolate chip ice cream but better. 

Ingredients- 1 serving

  • 1 cup of milk 
  • ¼ cup of white chocolate
  • 1 drop of peppermint or spearmint oil
  • White chocolate
  • green food coloring  if desired
  • Garnish – sprig of fresh mint 


  1. Heat the milk, white chocolate and peppermint/spearmint oil in a pot until dissolved
  2. Add green food coloring if desired
  3. Refrigerate until cold 
  4. Pour into a cup and garnish with a sprig of fresh mint
Abigail Lee is a graduate from Christopher Newport University. While she was at CNU, she majored in communications and minored in writing. Her current favorite hobbies include cooking, playing the ukulele and cruising on her long board. One of her favorite ways to pass the time is by watching movies and TV shows, such as The Parent Trap and Avatar the Last Airbender!