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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

Hi everyone, Happy Valentines Eve! I hope you are having a wonderful Thursday. Since the romantic season is upon us, I would like to gift to you a list of rom-com, romance movies to watch this Valentine’s Day!


Nicholas Spark Movies

Nicholas Sparks has so many great movies to choose from, but I would recommend The Best of Me and Long Ride (my personal favorites).

Crazy Rich Asians


A Star is Born

Pretty Woman

Valentines Day

Such a good cast hard not watch. Especially beacuse it has the two best Taylor’s ever (Swift and Lautner) 

Love, Actually

A Cinderella Story 

The Kissing Booth 

Honestly a cute little cliche movie 


This is nowhere near a list of all the romance movies out there, but it has some of the most popular that I think are pretty good. Some bring tears (a lot of tears aka Titanic), laughs, but most importantly show love which is what Valentine’s Day is all about. Until next time!

Hi everyone my name is Nicole and I am a senior at CNU. I am majoring in psychology and am currently applying to graduate school to become a licensed counselor. I currently enjoy watching American Horror Story with my roommates and reading.