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Function of Beauty
Original photo by Madeleine Bokan / Original Illustration for Her Campus Media
Style > Beauty

My Experience with DevaCurl

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

I have had little to no control over the size or quality of my hair for most of my life. I let nature and some cheap conditioner take control of my frizzy curls and hope for the best. In high school, I discovered hair mousse and had crunchy but less frizzy curls for nicer occasions. Still, overall, my hair stayed in a bun or pulled back in some way for most of school years.

Element5 Digital
Element5 Digital / Unsplash

For the past year, however, I have begun to use DevaCurl products. These products are made by and for curly haired girls. I have medium thick frizzy curls and shoulder length hair. I began to use the One Conditioner and No-poo shampoo products as well as the hair gel. I have noticed a huge difference in the quality and control of my hair through a year with these products. My curls have definition and volume without the frizz now. I can wear my hair down without too much hassle and have learned to embrace my curls.

Although I have found success with these products, as well as washing my hair less often to let the natural oils coat the hair, it is not a perfect fix. The conditioning and gel work well to maintain a solid curl for about 3 days. Around day 3 the curls start to loosen, and I typically will wear my hair up. Around day 5, they bounce back and by day 6 they are ready to be washed again. I am not entirely sure why they follow this cycle of quality of curl but that has been my personal experience with the product. Another downside is that you have to use a lot of product for the best results and the products are very expensive as compared to a typical conditioner. The shampoo and conditioner combo was about $75. The shampoo lasted around 9-12 months, but the conditioner was more like 5-7. It is definitely an investment but still better than some other high fashion products.

I have had relatively good success with these products overall, and would recommend them to any curly-headed gal.

Annie Silva is a Junior at Christopher Newport University. She is majoring in politics and on the pre-law track. In her free time, she enjoys hanging with friends, reading and cuddling her cat.