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Michael Bamisile ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

Photo credit to Derrin Nelson.

Name: Michael Bamisile a.k.a. “Frozone”

Major: Neuroscience

Year in School: Junior

Hometown: Richmond, Va.

Relationship Status:

“Ahhhh… Single… I might as well tell the truth.”

Campus Involvement:

“I’m in Sigma Phi Epsilon. I’m also on Student Assembly as a delegate for Academic Affairs and Legislative Affairs, and I’m on the Student Honor Council. And I’m a member of Cru, which is a Christian organization that meets every Wednesday in the Pope Chapel. It’s kind of like church, and it’s really nice.”

Tell us a little about yourself before you came to CNU:

“I went to a few private schools in Richmond and I guess my 8th grade year I decided I wanted to play basketball. That was my goal. I was looking for D1 high schools to make that dream possible, so I decided to go to Fork Union Military Academy in Fork Union, Virginia. It’s in the middle of nowhere.

It was a hard life over there for four years being away from home at such a young age, and I was just a little kid. I was so happy that I went there. It’s not a good place to be, but it’s a good place to be from. It helped me be the man I am today. I was always a good kid, but it made me a better kid than I could imagine. I really love Fork Union because of how close it got me with my relationship with Jesus. That’s definitely been the most important thing that’s happened to me in my life.”

What’s been your defining moment at CNU?

“Probably joining SigEp because that’s what made me open my eyes and realize all of the opportunities around me. I wanted to grab those opportunities when I could. They showed me how to become a Captain, not only here, but also when I leave this place. I love those brothers so much.”

What is your dream job?

“The goal in the future is to end up doing missions work. I’m very passionate about my faith in Jesus Christ. I want to be a blessing to other people. I feel that because I’m in a blessed position, I’m obligated to bless other people as much as possible.”

Best joke?

“Okay, this one. The only jokes I have… two. One is super bad. The other one is kind of lame, but I thought it was funny. What’s grass and…? Oh. I messed that up! [laughs] I can’t believe I messed that up!

What’s green and has wheels? Grass – I lied about the wheels. That’s the first time I ever messed up that joke…”

Best pick-up line?

“I think I’d go… huh. I gotta word it right. This is probably gonna be lame. Dang it. How would I word it? On the spot stuff gets me all the time. I would say… ‘Excuse me miss, I’m taking a poll right now and all I need you to do is answer this question: Have you ever seen an angel before?’ She’d say no. I’d say, ‘Wow you must not look in a mirror that often,’ and wink at her.

But normally I just talk to the girl. Pick-up lines make me uncomfortable.”

Photo credit to Derrin Nelson.

If you could be any Disney Princess, which would you be and why?

“That’s a tough one, mainly because there are so many good choices. I gotta think about this. Wait a minute. Who are some Disney princesses?…

 To be honest with you, if I remember the story correctly, I would probably pick Cinderella because she really showed everybody that the Beast wasn’t a person – ” [we informed him that wasn’t Cinderella, but rather Belle] 

“So anyway, Belle pretty much taught how you should treat everybody the way you want to be treated. She got rewarded for it; she made the Beast happy, and made the people around her happy as well. It’s just really nice.”

What would your perfect date be?

“Honestly, anything the girl would like, because my perfect date is just making the girl happy.”

What’s your guilty pleasure?

“Okay. So I’ve never told this to anybody but since I’m being interviewed… pecan pie, bacon cheese fries, protein shakes, and fit women – in that order.

What do you mean by “fit women”?

“It’s all about putting forth the effort to make sure you’re doing well. I believe we each have three major commitments – growing physically, growing mentally, and growing spiritually, however you’re involved.”

Who would you say is your professor crush?

“Let’s see. I guess my professor crush a.k.a. favorite professor is probably Dr. Lasseter. Really cool guy, really funny dude. Since I met him freshman year, he’s always been really interested in me growing as a person in all aspects of my life. When you think of a father figure on campus, he’s definitely one of them.”

Do you have a secret talent?

“I can lift a lot of weight.”

That’s not a secret, Michael. 

“If I tell you my secret talent, it wouldn’t be much of a secret anymore.”

Photo credit to Derrin Nelson.

What would you do if you were the only survivor in a plane crash?

“Depends on where it landed. If I was on a deserted island… Well I guess the first thing I would do is try to figure out what I was gonna eat. Pick some fruit: apples, oranges, grapes – if there are any around. Then maybe go back to the plane and double-check for survivors.

You’d get food before you check for survivors?

“You gotta look out for yourself! That’s some serious cheese you gotta go through! Food would be really important. So I’d go back to the plane, check if it’s all real, see if I’m really the only one. I don’t like swimming in oceans or pools deeper than six feet, so I’d stand on the island, eat some more food, and then after I eat, I would probably just be praying after that. After I pray, I’d go back and eat. There would be water all around us – too bad I wouldn’t have a filter. But I’d have to drink it. Then I’d probably just go to sleep because there’s not much else to do.”

What do dogs dream about?

“If they’re anything like me, bacon cheese fries, pecan pie, protein shakes, and fit women. And because they’re dogs – in no particular order. Bacon cheese fries are good.”

What’s the top item on your bucket list?

“Can I be completely honest with you? I don’t really have a bucket list. I’m more focused on what I need to get done to improve myself and to help other people around me, whether it’s family, friends, or whatever organizations I’m in. That’s what I’m more focused on rather than what I want to do.”

Is there anything you want people to know about you?

“People probably won’t like me after this. [laughs] This interview probably didn’t do me too much justice. Trust me, I feel and I hope that I’m different if you actually talk to me in person. And – yeah that’s all I can think of.”

CNU '17, Gamma Phi Beta Sorority, Trebled Youth A Cappella, Taylor Swift and Mary-Kate Hovanic are my Spirit Animals, 'Merica
Lee Martin is a 20-year-old junior at Christopher Newport University majoring in Communication Studies with minors in Leadership and Women's & Gender Studies. She co-founded CNU's chapter of Her Campus and currently serves as Co-Campus Correspondent/Editor-in Chief, as well as a Chapter Advisor to five other campuses. As a journalist, she has written for The Oyster Pointer, The Winchester Star, and worked with National Student Leadership Conference's Journalism, Film & Media Arts program. When not writing, you can find her binging on chocolate and coffee while laughing at Parks and Rec or The Office. If you must read her silly musings, follow her on Twitter at @loveleeforlife