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Hunter Williamson ’18

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

Name: Hunter Williamson

Year: Sophomore

Major: Business (Management) with a minor in Communication Studies

Hometown: Richmond, Va.

Relationship Status: Single

What are you involved in on Campus?

“I’m in an a capella group, U-Sounds, which I’m on the E-Board for, and I’m in Chamber Choir. I’m excited to join Greek Life next Semester.”

What is your favorite Holiday?

“I’m going to have to say Christmas; I know it’s cliché but I love it because of all of the fun Christmas activities: tacky light tours, candy, presents, family and winter break.”

What is your favorite TV show?

“In general I love shows like ‘Modern Family.’ I like AHS (‘American Horror Story’) but I haven’t really gotten into this season. Oh, and I also love SVU.” 

What is your guilty pleasure?

“Dancing to that new Adele song, ‘Hello,’ in the car, and McDonald’s.”

If you could switch places with one celebrity, who would it be?

“Fetty Wap… just kidding. Probably one that goes on adventures a lot; really any artist that goes on tour and travels the world.”

If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?

“Probably mess around with my friends, especially since it’s Halloween, I would try and scare them and pull pranks.” 

What is one thing you cannot live without?

“Music, because it’s all I do with my free time. Literally all my free time is dedicated to it because I just love it.”

What is your favorite thing about CNU?

“How whenever I walk around I can always see my friends, and I always know someone in a room.”