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Erica Tilghman ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

You’ve probably seen Erica Tilghman around campus at some point in your CNU career. From her involvement with SLAP, CAB, or one of the many other things she dedicates her time to, her infectious smile is easily visible wherever she goes. Her Campus CNU asked Erica some fast facts recently:

Name: Erica Tilghman 

Year: Senior

Relationship Status: Single

Major: Sociology with minors in Spanish and Leadership

Hometown: Richmond, VA

Celebrity Crush: “Drake, Jackson Avery from ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ and Paul from ‘Orphan Black.'”

Fun Fact: “I really love traveling and I’m left-handed.”

Secret Talent: “I really love coloring.”

Guilty Pleasures: “Watching TV and taking a lot of naps.”

What do you like to cook? “Cookies; anything sweet.”

Ideal Date: “Anything thoughtful – dinner, walking on the beach, cooking together and watching movies.”

Hi! I'm Emily king! I'm a Junior at CNU and I'm an English major, but I enjoy writing more than reading. I write songs, play a couple instruments, paint, draw, do graphic design, write poetry and anything else thats creative i guess. I am also a founding member of Delta Gamma, CNU's newest sorority. I was born and raised in the Hampton Roads area but my roots go all over the place, from Europe to Boston to California.