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CNU Sailing In The Snow

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.


A throwback to the snow and below-freezing temperatures that hit CNU a few weeks ago. Thankfully it seems that spring is beginning to arrive! This photo was taken by CNU Varsity Sailing Team member Hannah Cantolino at the Christopher Newport Sailing Center.

Nina is currently a sophomore at Christopher Newport University majoring in Business Marketing and Management. When she's not taking naps you can find her sailing on the James, grabbing coffee with a sorority sister, or color coding her Lilly planner! Nina loves puppies, chocolate, reading, singing, and binge watching Netflix. You can follower her tumblr: thesailorsdelight
Lee Martin is a 20-year-old junior at Christopher Newport University majoring in Communication Studies with minors in Leadership and Women's & Gender Studies. She co-founded CNU's chapter of Her Campus and currently serves as Co-Campus Correspondent/Editor-in Chief, as well as a Chapter Advisor to five other campuses. As a journalist, she has written for The Oyster Pointer, The Winchester Star, and worked with National Student Leadership Conference's Journalism, Film & Media Arts program. When not writing, you can find her binging on chocolate and coffee while laughing at Parks and Rec or The Office. If you must read her silly musings, follow her on Twitter at @loveleeforlife