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Amazon Products I Recommend for that Warmer Season

The Her Campus National Editors write about products we love and think you’ll love too. Her Campus has affiliate partnerships, so we get a share of the revenue from your purchase. All products are in stock and all prices are accurate as of publication.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

Starting next week, we can say bye to the cold and hello to the warmer weather headed our way. What a great time to put all the winter gear away and fill that cart up with some warm weather essentials. Whether you are looking for some clothes, gadgets, or beauty products, I have you covered with these top 10 must-have warm weather essentials (or non-essentials if you want to be serious).

10. Native Limited Edition Strawberry and Vanilla Taffy Deodorant

Let’s be honest, warmer weather = sweat. Pretty honest equation if you ask me. I have only used this deodorant for about 3 days now, but it already made my list because of how amazing it smells (think about those strawberry hard candies we used to eat as kids). For the past year, I have been victim to the basic Lavender Dove Spray Deodorant or that good old Fiji Old Spice Deodorant. The switch to this more natural and aluminum-free deodorant has been an absolute game changer for me and has lasted double the time as my normal deodorants without having to reapply. If this doesn’t make you want to switch to this deodorant, reread the label. It’s a deodorant based on candy. No wonder someone with a big sweet tooth like me would want to own this deodorant.

9. Heart Effect Diffraction Glasses

Want a reason to spend your money on something totally unnecessary? Well, here you go. These heart diffraction sunglasses will take your festivals and parties to the next level. These glasses turn every light around you into a heart, which is just so impressive. For the price, I would say these are definitely worth your money. They have been super fun to use when outside at night or when going to parties. For real though, you cannot beat the price, no one should be coming at me for wasting my money. I will say though, for me personally, the glasses work better at night versus during the daytime because the sun can bother the diffraction. Lastly, one thing I want to stress when using these glasses is to not have them on while you are driving. They can be very distracting to your field of vision.

8. Force Shield Superlight Sunscreen SPF 30

Guys, I can’t stress this enough. Please…and I mean PLEASE put sunscreen on your face. The sun will damage your skin, and you’d be surprised how a little drop of sunscreen keeps your face from drying out or burning. This travel size sunscreen by Hero is amazing. Not only is it protecting you from the sun, but it is made with ingredients that will not cause your face to break out. I have been using it for about 6 months now and my skin has not broken out because of it (keeping in mind that I have sensitive and very acne prone skin). You only need a small drop to apply to the face to get a full and even coverage and don’t need to apply it very often throughout the day. I would say you definitely get what you pay for. It even has a natural smell and doesn’t smell like any harsh chemicals.

7. Smiley Face Slides

Need some shoes for that hot sand at the beach? How about that very hot pavement at the pool? Well, these are your go-to. These were a Christmas gift from my parents and I absolutely LOVE them. I wear them all just about everywhere I go when I don’t feel like putting on tennis shoes. They are super durable and feel comfortable when you walk in them. They come in 4 different colors such as pink, orange, beige, and grey and just look absolutely adorable for the summer. Personally, I will be wearing these all summer because they would fit the vibes perfectly.

6. Gaiatop Mini Portable Fan

With the warmer weather coming, you may experience a time where there is no breeze and the temperature is sweltering hot. Well, I got you. This portable fan is your absolute MUST when it comes to sitting outside in the sun. I was skeptical at first because I got it at a super cheap price and it looked like it would not last very long. I can for sure say that I was satisfied with my purchase because it has lasted me almost a year now. It also comes in so many different colors. This fan is also travel friendly with an upgraded rechargeable battery so it will last a long time. If you end up needing to prop it up, it comes with a base to attach it to, turning it into a desk fan. Definitely get two for the price of one.

5. Braylenz 2 Pack Trendy Rectangle Sunglasses

When the sun is super bright and I am outside, I tend to get a terrible headache. Shopping for sunglasses has always been annoying, only because I’m looking for the perfect ones that fit the shape of my face and will match most of my clothes. When I stumbled upon these on Amazon, I absolutely fell in love with them. They are simple, coming in black and white which fits with every color of outfit. Not to mention they also are a rectangle shape, which is perfect for the shape of my face. I will say that the glasses are extremely durable (I would know because I drop them more often than I wear them) and the lenses are easy to clean when they get dirty. For the price, I would for sure recommend these to anyone who wants a trendy pair of sunglasses to fit every outfit.

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4. Popbabies Portable Blender

Don’t get me wrong, I love Tropical Smoothie, but I don’t have the money to buy their smoothies every day. When I invested in this portable blender, I was not expecting how amazing it was going to work. The blender was easy to charge and blended all my fruit perfectly. One thing I would recommend when using the blender is to cut your chunks of fruit smaller than an inch for the blender to work at its best. The entire kit came with the blender, a charging cable, an ice tray, a funnel, and a recipe book with more than 50 recipes. I’ve tried a couple recipes in the book and loved all the flavors they came up with. I was very pleased to note that everything was super easy to wash afterwards. So far, I have not had any problems with the blender, I use it about everyday and the instruction manual is very detailed and even describes why the blender might be having an issue and how to fix it. Overall one of the best purchases I have made.

3. Umbrella Drink Straws

You are probably wondering how this product made it on my top 3 list. All I can tell you is that these are nostalgic to me. I used to love playing with these when I was a kid and still use them to this day to decorate smoothies that I make. What I did not know was that they made the umbrellas into straws which made me want to buy them even more. I had bought a pack last year over the summer and was really impressed with the quality of the straws. They are super fun to use and something small to purchase whenever you are feeling the summer vibes.

2. Tree Hut Tropical Glow Shea Sugar Scrub And Body Lotion Set

I absolutely love Tree Hut and all the products they have out in stores and online. However, this set takes the cake as one of the most ESSENTIAL products for that warmer weather glow. Both the sugar scrub and the shea butter lotion have a very sweet and tropical smell and leave your skin feeling soft and hydrated. The sugar scrub does a really good job at buffing away dead skin cells as the lotion helps hydrate and evenly tone your skin. It is my go-to shower set over the late spring to early summer to really get a feel for that warmer weather season.

1.Willceal Fruit Infuser Water Bottle

When it’s beginning to be warmer outside, you for sure want to stay hydrated. One of my favorite ways to stay hydrated is using this fruit infuser water bottle. You can put just about any type of fruit in the infuser part of the bottle and it will give your water a hint of flavor. What I love most about this product is that it keeps your water cold because the bottle is insulated. I also love how many colors the bottle comes in and how practical it is when traveling or going camping. Overall, this is my number one product I would very much recommend to anyone during those warm weather months.

Claire is a Sophomore at Christopher Newport University. She is majoring in German and Communications and minoring in Leadership Studies. On campus, she takes part in the Campus Activities Board, the Captain's Log, HerCampus, and is a Leadership Ambassador. In her free time, she enjoys painting, reading, hanging with friends, working out, and journaling.