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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

It’s here. Thanksgiving Break has finally arrived just in time because we are all about to lose our minds. It is that time of the semester where every professor has assigned papers and projects galore, and they all seem to be due at the same time. Fortunately, Thanksgiving Break has come to rescue us from being consumed by the library. And while we will have to return to our struggles as soon as we get back, we mustn’t dwell on that fact and enjoy this short and sweet break. Here are some musts for your time at home during this break.

1. Eat alllll the food.

What is Thanksgiving, if not for all the food? Even if you don’t like Thanksgiving food, it is going to be so nice to eat something that isn’t dining hall food, Chipotle, or Cookout.

2. Hang with your hometown squad.

You probably haven’t seen many of your old friends from home since the summer, so this is an excellent opportunity to see them since you will most likely all be home for the holiday.

3. Catch up on some much-needed Z’s.

Chances are, you probably haven’t been getting a whole lot of sleep with the long nights in the library for the past few weeks, so use this break to catch up on sleep and rest up for the oncoming storm that is finals.

4. Spend time with your family!

Whether you are traveling to your grandma’s house or staying in with your immediate family, spend some quality time with your family. Your family doesn’t get to see you that much when you are away at school, so make it count during the holidays!

5. Partake in some well-deserved Netflix.

With all of the homework you have been doing, you deserve to catch up on your Netflix-ing, especially because there won’t be any time for binge-watching during finals.

6. You might have to do some homework…

If you’re like me, I have a quiz and a paper due the day we get back from break, not to mention all of the other assignments due that week, so it is inevitable that I will be doing some homework. Take advantage of the free time during break so you don’t drown as much when you get back to campus.

7. Play with your pets!

Your pets probably miss you just as much as you miss them when you are at school, so make sure you take some time to play with them while you’re at home. We all crave interaction with animals when we are away.

8. Give some thanks.

Count all of the things that you are grateful for! Gratitude is one of the keys to happiness, according to Oprah. Here is a whole holiday dedicated to being grateful for all of the people and things that you have in your life!


Thanksgiving marks the official start of the Holiday Season! Bust out those Christmas sweaters, convince your parents to let you put up the tree, blast your favorite Christmas songs, and watch “Elf” of course!

Sadie is a senior at Christopher Newport University with a major in Communication Studies and a double minor in English Literature and Theatre. Sadie is the Social Media Director and Instagram Admin. of the CNU chapter of HerCampus, the Vice President of Take Note a Cappella, the Treasurer of Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity, and Secretary of Lambda Pi Eta Communications Honor Society. Sadie enjoys singing, justice, Harry Potter, Netflix, rhetoric, hanging out with her Squad at home and her Clique at school, Mexican Food, and a good GIF.