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10 Reasons Why We All Need A Guy Like Steven Hyde

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

Recently, I’ve delved back into the world of Point Place, WI and journeyed into the lives of my favorite gang of teenagers on That 70’s Show. Each of the characters are amazing in their own right (and can we just talk about how the fact that Mila Kunis & Ashton Kutcher are together irl is the cutest thing ever???), but I definitely hold a special place in my heart for the character that is Steven Hyde.

Maybe it’s just the fact that Danny Masterson did such a great job portraying the aloof, cynical, sarcastic, good-hearted guy that I really connect with. Or maybe it’s because the character is so much like myself (minus the troubling backstory with horrible parents and stuff).

But, really. We all need a guy like Steven Hyde in our lives.

1. He’s sarcastic

2. He isn’t afraid to tell people off

3. Or tell them how he really feels

4. He cares about his friends

5. He actually likes it when people pay attention to him

6. He’s smart

7. And he & Jackie should’ve ended up together bc they were amazing

8. His laugh tho

9. His radical thoughts in the circle

10. Once again, Jackie & Hyde 4evr

You can categorize Royall as either Leslie Knope when she has her color-coded binders: or Hyde whenever Jackie comes into a room before they start dating: There is no in-between.  Royall recently graduated with her B.A. in Sociology & Anthropology from CNU and now studies Government & International Relations at Regent University. She also serves as the Victim Advocate and Community Outreach Coordinator for Isle of Wight Co., VA in Victim Witness Services. Within Her Campus, she served as a Chapter Writer for CNU for one year, a Campus Expansion Assistant for a semester, Campus Correspondent for two years, and is in the middle of her second semester as a Chapter Advisor.  You can find her in the corner of a subway-tiled coffee shop somewhere, investigating identity experiences of members of Black Greek Letter Organizations at Primarily White Institutions as well as public perceptions of migrants and refugees. Or fantasizing about ziplining arcoss the French Alps.