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Quick and Easy Ways To Eat Better Right Now

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CMU chapter.

Do you want to eat better?  It’s almost the end of the semester so there’s no better time than now to jump start a healthy summer! To start you off in the right direction, here are five tips for how to eat healthy on campus.
1. Buy fresh:Sure, it’s easy to live off pre-packaged, microwave meals.  But it’s just as easy to sneak an apple or a banana into your diet.  Entropy has plenty of fresh fruits for sale.  And on that note:
2. Cook your own meals: You’ll be more in control of what’s in your meal if you make it yourself. You’re probably not on that meal plan anymore, so take a trip to Giant Eagle. I promise it’ll be worth it. 
3. Choose water: Sure, it’s easy to pick up a soda.  But bottled water is available where soda is; check out the Café.  And, it’s better for your body and will save you tons of calories. 
4. Eat regularly: I once tried to write a final paper without eating a proper meal.  And surprise, it didn’t go well.  Give your body healthy meals, and it will reward you with the energy you need to do your assignments.  And finally:
5. Try different foods: Instead of pizza at the Pavilion, try the salad bar in the UC.  And you know, even if you get pizza, you can get salad too. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut with convenient and fast foods, so plan a little ahead and get some variety in your diet. 

Julianne Grauel is a sophomore Professional Writing major at Carnegie Mellon University and is originally from the California Bay Area. At Carnegie Mellon she is a peer tutor for writing and an active sister in her sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta. This past summer, she interned at Gentry Magazine and hopes to work for a magazine after college. Julianne loves football, sushi, sunshine, and dance parties. She probably consumes far too much Red Mango froyo and can’t get enough of Project Runway. In her free time she likes to travel, watch sports center, take spinning classes and, most of all, shop.