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Lindsey Milisits ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CMU chapter.

Name: Lindsey Milisits

Major: Material Science and Biomedical Engineering

Year: Junior

Involvement on Campus: Tri Delta, RA, Orphanage Outreach, Alternative Spring Break

Hobbies/Interests: Exploring, service trips, going abroad

Favorite Cuisine: Thai

Celebrity Crush: Ian Somerholder

Favorite TV Show: Vampire Diaries

Favorite Movie: “The Notebook”

Favorite Music: Pop, country… anything except rap

Favorite Thing About CMU: Carnival

Hello! I am a sophomore at Carnegie Mellon University studying creative and professional writing. So far, Pittsburgh has been an adventure, and as a Philadelphia native, I love to explore new cities. I also enjoy reading (anything from Cosmo to the best seller on the New York Time's list), shopping and drinking coffee (they're more of an addiction) and spending time with my friends and family. In a few years, I hope to be in a European city working on an award winning screenplay, but grad-school would be fine too.
I am a junior Materials Science and Engineering mjaor at Carnegie Mellon University, and I am also minoring in Professional Writing and Business. I am a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma.  I love TV and trying out new beauty products.  I follow E! on Twitter so that I can stay up-to-date on celebrity news.  I'm royal-obsessed, and I love Kate Middleton's style.  I'm kind of a Sephora addict, and I could easily spend hours there.  I also spend way too much time on Pinterest.  Finally, I love hockey and all Pittsburgh sports.