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How to Be Single on Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CMU chapter.

Valentine’s Day is here and that means grocery stores are filled with pink-frosted cupcakes, campus clubs are selling carnations to surprise a special someone, and people that are single are remembering it now more than ever. It’s a tough holiday to go through, especially since most of us tend to feel lonely or think that of ourselves as “just” a single person. But, that doesn’t have to define this Valentine’s Day.

Getting some perspective is the first step. You are not the only person who is single on Valentine’s Day. There are plenty of others who might be lonely and slightly miserable. But, there are those people who rock being single, who love the freedom it gives them and who love not having to worry about the pressure and stigma associated with Valentine’s Day. And then, there are those couples who resist celebrating this holiday and conforming the tackiness of buying chocolates and flowers just to remind someone you love them. Keeping those things in mind reminds us that it’s one day and you should love being singleness.

Being happy with your relationship status will play a large role in how you tackle Valentine’s Day. Relationships don’t determine self-worth and a significant other cannot make you happy. Only you can make you happy. Remind yourself of all the reasons you love being single, whether it’s not having to worry about the commitment or the fact that there are plenty of other single hotties that you can flirt with whenever you want. In fact, find out what your other single friends are doing to celebrate Valentine’s Day. It’s about spending time with people you love, and you still have those people in your life, even if you are single.

Treat yourself on Valentine’s Day. Remind yourself that you are fabulous. It can be tough to look at the boxes of chocolate in the checkout lane and be reminded that you are single. Instead of beating yourself up about it, treat yourself.

Remember, there is a day after Valentine’s Day. Although there might be no expectations for the holiday, there can (and probably should) be expectations for the days that follow. Is there an internship you want to secure? Have you made a New Years’ Resolution that you really want to stick to? Think about the goals you have made and how much there is going for you.

Don’t get hung up on being single. Instead love yourself and think of all the things in your life that are worth celebrating!



Soniya Shah is an undergraduate at Carnegie Mellon University studying technical writing and pre-med.