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Entertainment Blog: 5 Reasons to Love Nick Miller from New Girl, Despite His Grossness

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CMU chapter.


Spoiler Alert:  If you haven’t seen the episode of New Girl from last Tuesday yet, Nick and Jess are finally together (for now at least, but these darn writers always mess with the best relationships). When I first started watching New Girl, this would not have necessarily made me happy. Sure, I saw the chemistry between Nick and Jess, but I just thought Nick was gross.  Instead, I preferred the loveable douchebag Schmidt (who I still love, by the way). Fast-forward a few months, and now I’m watching Nick and Jess scenes over and over because they are so perfect.  What changed my mind about the attractive, kind of gross guy who acts like an old man? He’s just so loveable! Here are five reasons why Nick Miller is great:

1. He calls wi-fi “wiffy”.

It’s just so endearing when Nick says, “I refuse to pay for the wiffy!” It’s sort of reminiscent of the time he tried to be “the guy without a phone”, and as crazy as it sounds, I love him for being so technologically challenged. There’s just something about that face that makes me swoon, and somehow it no longer matters what the sweatshirt-wearing grump says.

2. His face when he looks at Jess is just perfection.

He’s attractive all the time, but the look on Nick’s face when he’s with Jess is the icing on the cake. It was there even when they were just friends, but when Nick tells Jess he has feelings for her it’s even more swoon-worthy! Again, it kind of cancels out the whole grungy-wardrobe-eating-chocolate-off-the-floor-of-a-parking-garage factor.

3. He really cares about Jess.

He tried to stop that student who drew all the creepy pictures from killing her (Julius Pepperwood, anyone?). Beyond that, it’s super obvious that Nick cares about Jess. Anytime she’s sick, injured, or broken up with someone, he’s there for her.  It’s good to know that Nick isn’t just another pretty face like the sexy pediatrician; his feelings for Jess are real, making them the best couple on television right now. For the record, though, the pediatrician was hot.

4. He’s insecure, and it’s endearing.

It’s not usually a great thing when a guy is insecure, but Nick pulls it off flawlessly. He’s just the right amount of a loser to make him incredibly likeable. His bartender job often makes him feel inferior to the other roommates, and he’s had his share of issues in love, but he’s real, and I love him for it. Remember that girl that Schmidt liked, but then she liked Nick because he was so pathetic? Yeah, I’m pretty sure this is what she was thinking.

5. Those dance moves are so great

Need I say more? After Jess and the pediatrician broke up, she was listening to Taylor Swift, and Nick came in and started dancing. Those were seriously the best dance moves ever. There was also the time he danced in front of the mirror shirtless. He may not be the most skilled dancer, but these moments all add up to Nick being goofy, fun loving, and sexy. It almost makes you forget completely about his grumpy-old-man-ness.


I am a junior Materials Science and Engineering mjaor at Carnegie Mellon University, and I am also minoring in Professional Writing and Business. I am a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma.  I love TV and trying out new beauty products.  I follow E! on Twitter so that I can stay up-to-date on celebrity news.  I'm royal-obsessed, and I love Kate Middleton's style.  I'm kind of a Sephora addict, and I could easily spend hours there.  I also spend way too much time on Pinterest.  Finally, I love hockey and all Pittsburgh sports.