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DS Dancing with Jamie Rupert

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CMU chapter.


It’s the end of the semester, and while that means finals, stressful days that end in long nights with a lot of caffeine, and holiday shopping, for about 150 students it also means that they’ve got a show to put on.  Dancer’s Symposium takes place at the end of each semester, a show directed, choreographed, and performed by student dancers for the entire Carnegie Mellon Community.  
This year, Jamie Rupert, a sophomore Dietrich College student, decided to join the ranks of DS choreographer after having performed in both the fall and spring shows the previous year.  “I taught dance throughout high school and choreographed my school’s musicals.  So DS was just a natural extension of what I had already been doing before I came to school.” Rupert says of joining the Dancer’s Symposium show last year.  “Dance has always been such a huge part of my life that I knew I had to keep involved during college.”
Dancers spend an hour a week rehearsing for each dance they’re in, usually starting as early as the end of September.  But for choreographers, the time commitment goes far beyond that- not only do they have rehearsal for other dances, but they must spend hours working on their own piece as well as planning and obtaining costumes and lighting for the show, as well as figuring out how to edit and cut their music.  The time commitment, especially for those involved in other activities, can seem a little overwhelming, but Jamie (who is an Andrew Abassador, a Mentor in the office of admissions, a sister of Delta Delta Delta, and an undergraduate research lab assistant) says that to her, DS is absolutely worth it.
“When I decided to choreograph I was definitely worried about the time commitment.  It can be very difficult sometimes.  My google calendar looks like a rainbow threw up on it from all the different events and study times I assign myself.  But dance is a stress reliever for me. Even when I’m extremely stressed with exams and group projects I enjoy going to rehearsals because I’m able to spend time with friends and dance out a lot of my frustrations.”
Dancers Symposium is open to all students with all levels of dance experience, and offers a unique opportunity to meet tons of different people who also share your love of dance.  Jamie says that DS is where she’s met some of her closest friends who she would have never met since they’re at opposite ends of the academic spectrum.  “I believe that DS is an excellent opportunity for an eclectic group of people who gather around a similar passion to meet one another.”
Make sure to catch Jamie’s DS piece, along with other fun and sassy dance pieces, during Fall 2012 Dancer’s Symposium: Pulse, December 7th and 8th.  Dancers will be selling tickets all week in front of Doherty Hall- don’t miss out!