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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CMU chapter.

About the Project: This project takes advantage of the plethora of acorns all over the CMU campus and the designs are entirely up to you. I did jack-o-lantern and Halloween faces in the spirit of Halloween, but you can do these for Thanksgiving as well. They make adorable gifts and take about a minute to make!

Materials Needed:

  • Acorns (without caps)
  • Colored markers


  1. Take your acorn and start coloring the entire surface with your base color. You can do whichever you color you like according to your own design, but I chose orange to mimic a pumpkin.
  1. Draw on your design with your secondary color(s) and you’re done! I did a jack-o-lantern face, ghost, and cat for my acorns. Make sure you keep the tip of the acorn on the top of your design (especially for the jack-o-lantern, it looks like the stem). Enjoy your quick and easy decorations for Halloween, Thanksgiving, or fall!
Laura Stiles is a Creative Writing, Professional Writing double major at Carnegie Mellon University who will be graduating in May 2014. In addition to being Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Carnegie Mellon chapter of HerCampus.com, she is Co-Prose Editor of The Oakland Review, Carnegie Mellon’s literary-arts journal, a manuscript reader for Carnegie Mellon University Press, and has copy-edited for Carnegie Mellon’s newspaper, The Tartan. She was also Communications and Arts Management Intern at The Hillman Center for Performing Arts in summer 2012, and is ecstatic to be studying abroad in Sheffield, England in spring 2013. In her free time, she enjoys singing along to music on long car rides, spontaneously kicking off her shoes to explore lakes and creeks, and curling up with a soft blanket and a captivating book. She was also recently pleasantly surprised to discover that she has a taste for sushi.