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Anire Bowman 16′

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CMU chapter.

Name: Anire Bowman

Year: Sophomore

Major: Biological Science

Relationship Status: Single, cuffing season did not faze me.

What do you look for in a significant other?

Someone who is down. Down meaning open to anything new, has chill vibes and can be unconventional in some ways. Also a huge plus if they have similar music taste and can dance well haha.

If you could get inside the mind of any person (dead or alive), who would it be and why?

Kanye West. That man’s mind is like an onion and if Sway doesn’t have the answers, who does?

Who is your idol?

At this time, definitely Donald Glover. He seems like a guy just trying to find meaning and I can relate in a lot of ways.

If you had exactly 15 minutes left to live (after taking care of all the practicalities and good-byes), what would you do?

Somehow go to Cali. Good food, good weather, good music scene and good atmosphere. Seems like my ideal dream place.

If you could send a ten-word text to every cell phone owner in the world, what would it say?

“History will always repeat itself, just cut the repetition short.”

“All is fair in love and war,” true or false?

“All is fair in love and basketball”. True, love is a game of wits, willpower and emotions. The first side to give an inch will end up being destroyed or, in this case, heartbroken. Not about that life.

Could you date someone who didn’t like pizza?

Yeah, it shows divergence from the norm. In my opinion, different is always better.

What is one thing everyone should know about you?

I actually can’t twerk.

What is one thing you don’t want everyone to know about you?

I am the most insecure person on the planet. I always question my actions, constantly think about all my mistakes and flaws but I try to use those reflections to better myself as a person.

Connie is a professional and creative writing major at Carnegie Mellon University. She is currently obsessed with pole fitness, pumpkin bread, and '80s fashion.
I am a junior Materials Science and Engineering mjaor at Carnegie Mellon University, and I am also minoring in Professional Writing and Business. I am a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma.  I love TV and trying out new beauty products.  I follow E! on Twitter so that I can stay up-to-date on celebrity news.  I'm royal-obsessed, and I love Kate Middleton's style.  I'm kind of a Sephora addict, and I could easily spend hours there.  I also spend way too much time on Pinterest.  Finally, I love hockey and all Pittsburgh sports.