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Why Should You Vote?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.

Why Should You Vote?

We hear it every other week from our parents or grandparents, “Voting is so 
important; it’s your civic duty!” blah blah blah. We know how the lecture goes, but is 
voting really as important as everyone claims it is? Absolutely and here’s why…
Not only is voting a chance to use your voice to influence our country and its 
policies, but also an opportunity to impact your own future as well as the future of 
our nation. Sure, at the moment, we’re in college, and our biggest concerns seem to 
be waking up on time, going to class regularly, and forcing ourselves to eat a 
vegetable occasionally; however, in just a few years, we’ll be done with school 
(unless you’re like a med student – sorry guys) and entering the workforce, maybe 
even getting married, and the president’s policies are going to profoundly impact us.
We aren’t naïve kids who can depend on our parents for everything (well, for the 
most part) anymore. We have to be adults, which is why it is important for us to get 
informed about policies and candidates. We, as Millennials, need to exercise our 
right to vote because we do play an important role in America, especially in voicing 
our own wants and needs through our right to vote.
Furthermore, our ancestors fought hard for the right to vote. As a woman, I vote for 
the women before me who didn’t have the same opportunity. We live in a country 
that no longer discriminates against women and African Americans voting, and I feel 
as though we should utilize our right, if not for ourselves, for the men and women 
who came before us and couldn’t.
In addition, if we’re being honest with ourselves, we know that choosing not to vote 
is taking the easy way out. If you don’t care about politics, you should because 
whoever is elected as president in 2016 has the potential to be in office until 2024. 
In eight years, we will all be adults with adult lives and adult problems, and we are 
going to regret not voicing our opinions through voting if the election doesn’t fall in 
our favor. Do you really want Trump leading our nation until 2024? Let’s be real. 
Vote. Please.
If you don’t know with which party or candidate you align most closely, try taking 
the quiz at www.isidewith.com, which gives you detailed results about your answers 
compared to those of politicians running for office.
And don’t be one of these guys….
Hey! My name's Liz and I'm a Sigma Kappa at Clemson University! I love my school more than anything in the world and love sharing that with y'all!!