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Survive Six More Weeks of Winter with Fashion and Frugality

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.

Though it seems Clemson tried to skip over winter this year (no snow days, really?!), Punxsutawney Phil did, in fact, see his shadow last Thursday.  The prediction is a little confusing to me – shouldn’t seeing a shadow mean that the sun of spring is already here?  Instead, a shadow supposedly scares Phil back into his burrow for six more weeks of hibernation.  It scares me too!  But as collegiettes with classes, meetings, and countless social gatherings to attend, we can’t hibernate until mid-April.  So
how do you survive the next six weeks looking cute while defending the cold?  Here are some tips to stretch the life of your winter wardrobe without burrowing too far into your bank account.
Make/Fake Boot Socks.
Am I the only one that’s confused about the price of boot socks?  Apparently when a company adds six inches of fabric to the top of each sock, it’s totally acceptable to add $20 to the price.  No.  Not acceptable.  So before you purchase that expensive pair, rummage through the ‘I-never-actually-wear-this’ section of your closet or the racks at a thrift store for a thick sweater.  Don’t worry if there’s a hideous holiday design on the front, but pay attention to the arms’ color, diameter, and weave.  (A good cable knit is never a bad idea).  Then, cut the sweater along the upper arm and discard the body of the sweater.  Wear normal socks and pull the arms over your feet to the perfect length.  Put your boots on and adjust the height of the faux boot socks accordingly.  Or, if you prefer, put the arm on your calf inside out and fold over the boot.
Make/Fake Infinity Scarves.
This tip seems painfully obvious to me, but I still get the question, “how do you have so many infinity scarves?”  Truth is, I don’t.  I own one infinity scarf.  However, I can make my entire collection of normal scarves look like this endless-loop trend.  First, put your scarf on with one loop around the neck – a classic.  Then take the looped section and open it to its full width.  Next, lay the ends of the scarf in this little boat.  Fold the looped portion over the two ends; be more careful when tucking in a fringed scarf. Voilà! An infinite number of infinity scarves!
Make Summer Dresses Winter Appropriate.
In the past, a popular way to wear summer dresses in winter has been to layer it over a long-sleeved t-shirt.  Do NOT do this.  Unless, of course, you want to look like a six-year old who wants to look like her baby-doll… not cute.  Instead, layer a long, chunky sweater over top of a summer dress.  Make sure you’re not pulling out the white eyelet dress – that’s not going to look wintery no matter how hard you try!  Choose a dress with a fabric and color(s) that work with the sweater, not against it. You can add tights if the weather calls for it and a belt if desired.

Make Shorts Winter Appropriate.
Especially since we’re on the verge of spring, this look is a perfect transition.  First, find shorts in your collection that are a sturdy fabric and a good color.  Think dark tweeds or jeans, not pastel linens.  Then add tights.  I prefer plain, dark thin tights or even hose with this look, but experiment with thicknesses and patterns.  Finish off with cute boots, booties or flats with closed toes, (because absolutely no one wants to see the toe seam of your tights.)  Note: This look is for temperatures in the mid-60s, not the mid-40s.  You want to look cute, not cold!
Buy Winter Clothes Now.
So I’m telling you how to save money, by advising you to spend money?  Exactly.  Companies are beginning to clear out winter merchandise to make way for warm-weather collections.  Therefore, the next three months are the best time to buy for your winter wardrobe.  Since you probably won’t get tons of use out of the items you purchase before all of campus is wearing tank tops and sandals, focus on staples.  You want to love wearing your purchase come next winter.  Look for pieces like fabulous boots or a gorgeous pea coat.  Because of the sales at this time of year, you’ll save money in the long run.
I hope this helps you survive the next six weeks of winter.  Happy wearing!

Photo Sources:

Paige is a senior at Clemson University majoring in communication studies and minoring in business and technical writing. Hailing from Northern Virginia, she is the campus correspondent and founder of Her Campus Clemson, as well as VP of membership programming for her sorority, Alpha Chi Omega, and a contributing writer for The Tiger. She loves writing and photography, and after studying abroad in France this summer, she hopes to someday be a photographer and writer for a travel magazine. She has a strong passion (obsession) for social media, and when she's not tweeting or Facebook stalking, you can find her watching Criminal Minds and Glee, inhaling Chipotle burritos, jamming out to swing music, or shopping for new gameday outfits. GO TIGERS!