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Spring Cleaning: More than Dusting and Laundry

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.


Sometimes students during this time of the year feel like they’re put in a little rut. They’re excited for spring break, a week to “get away” whether that’d be a trip to Cancun or a simple trip back home. Students are looking for a change up, a way out- but newsflash; it’s just a week.

I looked into how we could actually “spring clean” and get out of this rut we all dread so much. I have taken up these several differences and notice a huge change in my person and I recommend you all do the same!

  1. Not just clean- Rearrange: A clean room, apartment, house, etc is necessary for a clear mind. But ever think of how bland something feels after a while, unnoticeable. Take a half hour out of your day and rearrange your room- move your bed from one side to the other, add a painting/picture; a different scene may seem simple but it makes things more exciting!
  2. Take “The Road Not Taken”: Might sound simple but just change the way you get to class. If you’re driving to campus maybe go through campus instead of taking the highway in. Or if you’re walking to class take a more scenic route. It’s all about changing routine and this is one simple way to do that.
  3. Take up something new, and stick with it! Sometimes different obligations add more excitement to your day. Join a club, or organization; it could even be as simple as taking up a fitness class at Fike. Just go out and do something different- surprise yourself, do something you wouldn’t ever imagine doing!
  4. Filter “those friends”: Take a look at the people you surround yourself with. Are there people who are naggers, clingers, drama queens or users? Welp, just start distancing yourself from them, nothing can weigh you down quite like these individuals.  Don’t be rude- just know your boundaries and create that space.
  5. New Social Media Outlets: If you’re a Facebook person, move on to Twitter. If you haven’t made an Instagram or Snap Chat you should. Social Media is addictive and fun- just know that there are so many ways to be connected.

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