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Kickboxing: The New Fitness Fad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.


Watch out, there is a new fitness fad out there, kickboxing. Now I know what some of you girls are thinking, “sounds manly” or “I’m not very violent”. These are two myths that are associated with fitness kickboxing.

Everyone knows the beautiful Adriana Lima, how do you think she gets in shape for her Victoria Secret fashion shows? The answer kickboxing!  Celebrities all over are getting into this new fitness fad and I think it’s time you should to!

Fun facts about kickboxing:

  1. You can burn anywhere from 500-750 calories in one one-hour workout
  2. It’s a full body workout even if you don’t realize it
  3. It’s a major stress reliever; think of how much better your feel once you punch the stress away.
  4. It encompasses both cardio and strength training, the ultimate workout

But I’m in Clemson, South Carolina, how can I hop on this kickboxing trend?

There are 2 ways!

Fike Classes:

Fike offers free kickboxing classes 4 days a week!

Monday & Wednesday @ 4pm

Tuesday & Thursday @7:15pm

  • Uses basic kickboxing moves in a rhythmic way
  • Use hand weights for extra resistance

But maybe punching a bag is more your style, try:


  • Has 9 challenging rounds/stations.  So you will never get bored!
  • You always get a FULL BODY workout in just 30 minutes! A typical workout burns between 500-700 calories!
  • There are no class times @ 9Round.  So you will never run late and there is always a new session starting every 3 minutes!
  • The best part is, you get a trainer with you every time.  9Round trainers are there to demonstrate each round, explain and correct proper form, and motivate you throughout your workout!
  • 9Round is FUN, FACE-PACED AND INTENSE…but anyone can do this workout because you get to go at your own pace!
  • Your 1st workout is ALWAYS FREE, so bring a friend and try us out!

Our memberships are only $39/month for UNLIMITED workouts with a trainer every time :)



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