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5 Feel Good Pictures for Stress

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.
College is stressful. It doesn’t matter if you’re a first semester freshman taking 12 credits of 
electives or a last semester senior with your whole life planned out. I don’t know what it is about 
college, but there is always something that seems to cause stress. When you’re stressed, 
there’s nothing worse than someone telling you what to do about the stress and using it to be “productive”. All I want to do 
is sit in my bed and watch netflix or look at pictures that just make me happy. Here are my top 5 
“feel good” pictures/videos that help me relax while inevitably being stressed out in college.
1. Sunflower Patches:
I don’t know what it is about sunflowers, but they just make me happy. 
Maybe it’s because I love the sun and anything that reminds me of the sun, but this 
picture just makes me smile and seems to melt the stress away.
2. The Beach:
Everyone knows the beach is the most peaceful place on earth and it’s 
personally my “happy place.” The sound of the waves crashing on the sand and the smell of the 
ocean, the possibility of a dolphin sighting…what could be more relaxing than that?
Because who doesn’t love fluffy golden retriever puppies? Answer: NO ONE!
4. Veterans surprise their family members:
Alright guys, so this is kind of sad, but it always 
seems to make me happy. Despite crying 99% of the time, it’s with a smile on my face due 
to the pure joy expressed by the family members being surprised. This is one of my favorites, a 
little girl wanting nothing more than her daddy for Christmas.
5. Extreme wedding proposals or first dances.
These videos continue to go viral on a daily basis and set the standards higher and higher for men.
The fact that I like watching these videos is arguably the most girly thing about me. 
Hey! My name's Liz and I'm a Sigma Kappa at Clemson University! I love my school more than anything in the world and love sharing that with y'all!!