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25 Things To Do Before You Graduate from Clemson

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.

There’s so many fun things to do at Clemson, sometimes we forget that we’re only here for four (or five!) years! For some of us, our time here is coming to a close sooner than we realize. So, Her Campus Clemson decided to come up with a list of the 25 things you definitely shouldn’t miss out on before you graduate from Tigertown. Let us know if we missed any!

  1. Get a picture rubbing Howard’s Rock
  2. Get your 21st birthday shirt at Tiger Town Tavern
  3. Jump into the reflecting pond
  4. Sign the secret book
  5. Eat at Smokin’ Pig
  6. Take a road trip to watch an away game
  7. Have the meat and three at Esso Club
  8. Write your name in a booth at TD’s
  9. Skip class and spend the day at Lake Hartwell with your friends
  10. Eat at Paw’s Diner
  11. Take an afternoon to walk around Botanical Gardens
  12. Start the cadence count at a bar or restaurant
  13. Pull an all-nighter in Cooper
  14. Run down the hill in Death Valley
  15. Sing at karaoke downtown
  16. Take a ride on Roller Coaster Road
  17. Watch a show at the Brooks Center
  18. Attend a football game against USC
  19. Find all the metal paper planes on campus
  20. Have Sunday brunch at Clemson House
  21. Find the Monsoon room
  22. Go inside the bell tower in Tillman
  23. Go to at least one First Friday parade
  24. Go to as many different intramural sports games as possible
  25. Have at least one awkward moment with one of the squirrels or cats on campus