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10 Jonas Brothers Songs to Listen to Before Their New Single Drops

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.

Where were you on the day the Jonas Brothers announced their first new single since 2013?

I was in the dining hall, scrolling through Instagram when I encountered a new post from Nick Jonas, but this was no average post. I inadvertently stumbled upon the announcement post for the latest Jonas Brothers single, “Sucker.”

At first, I thought it was a joke. After all, the post was tagged #sucker, and rumors of a Jonas Brothers reunion had practically become a meme in the weeks leading up to the announcement. But as I delved deeper into the world of pop culture news, I realized that it was true and that the song would be released on March 1st! A trailer for the Late Late Show confirmed the question I’d been asking myself since 2013: When are the Jonas Brothers getting back together?


So, like any rational person would do, I freaked out and shared the post to my entire contact list.

The Jonas Brothers were an essential part of my childhood. I remember jamming out to them with my childhood friends, debating which brother was my favorite, and rocking JB merch while waiting in line to see Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience. I was highly invested in the Niley vs. Nelena debate (if only I’d known that Priyanka was out there…), and today, I still keep a few nostalgic Jonas Brothers songs on my phone.

So, as I await the arrival of “Sucker,” here are 10 throwback Jonas Brothers songs I’ll be listening to until the new single drops:

1. “Year 3000”

This is the first song by the Jonas Brothers that I remember obsessing with, and it’ll be a bop until the year 3000.

2. “Burnin’ Up”

How could you leave “Burnin’ Up” out of this list? Every fangirl knew this song by heart, and my childhood best friend even professed that this would be her wedding song (and of course, Nick Jonas would be the groom).

3. “S.O.S.”

Nothing like text slang and references to “conversations on I-M” to bring you back to the early 2000s, but if you replace “I-M” with “Snapchat,” it’s still pretty relatable.

4. “Love Bug”

If I’m being honest, this is my favorite Jonas Brothers song. I can’t help but rock to its calming beat (even if the opening conversation about pizza and girls is awkward and doesn’t fit the song at all). The video is romantic, and as I’m writing this, I’m singing along.

5. “When You Look Me in the Eyes”

This was the emotional song of their 2007 “Jonas Brothers” album, and it still reminds me of singing this to the top of our lungs during carpools. All Jonas Brother fans wanted a love like the one described in this song.

6. “Before the Storm (feat. Miley Cyrus)”

Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers? When this song came out, it felt like the collaboration of our generation. It was released after their breakup and after they’d been seen together in Savannah, Georgia, while Miley was shooting The Last Song. Who would have known that Miley was actually filming with her future husband while her fans hoped she would reunite with Nick Jonas?

7. “Can’t Have You”

In 2008, I was convinced that this was the ultimate break-up song. It didn’t matter that I hadn’t been through I break-up. Deep down, I knew that this was the level of drama I would feel.

8. “Tonight”

At the beginning of this song, we’re never going to work it out tonight, but by the end, “I’m starting to see the morning light / We finally worked this out.” Talk about plot development!

9. “Wedding Bells”

This is one of the last Jonas Brothers songs to be released, and it gives me all the feels. Nick Jonas is the only writer attributed to this song, and as he laments the imminent “wedding bells” of an ex, the clues clearly point to Miley Cyrus as the subject of the song. If only Nick could have anticipated his incredible “wedding bells” when he married Priyanka…

10. “We Rock”

You can’t think about the Jonas Brothers without thinking about Camp Rock, and this list would be incomplete without “We Rock.” Be warned: if you listen to this song, you will experience an overwhelming urge to watch Camp Rock.






Mayme Medlock is a junior at Clemson University, studying political science with an emphasis in international relations. In her free time, you'll find her chasing cute dogs, talking about studying abroad in the Balkans, watching copious amounts of Netflix, and putting people at ease when they question her name's pronunciation (May-m, not May-me).
Kate Freed

Clemson '21

Hi! My name is Kate Freed and I'm from Raleigh, NC. I'm a sophomore Communication major at Clemson University. I love all things fitness, food, and fashion. I teach kickboxing and barre and am passionate about motivating others to be their best selves.