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Top 10 Reasons to Skip the Night Out

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clark chapter.

It’s Friday night, your hair is in a messy bun, and you’ve shed your skinny jeans for the pair of sweats that you plan on living in until Monday morning. You’ve told yourself this is going to be the weekend that you finally stay in and take some much needed “me time.” But then your roommate comes into your room ready to go out and go hard, and suddenly it hits: FOMO, the Fear of Missing Out. It’s hard to say no, but sometimes the better choice is to stay in… don’t believe us? We have proof! Here are Her Campus Clark’s top ten reasons you’re allowed to skip the occasional night out.

  1. You are legitimately tired. College is stressful, and that all-nighter you pulled on Wednesday to finish that paper is going to cost you. Your body requires 10 hours of sleep to make up for an all-nighter, so now is your chance!
  2. Netflix just added new content. Oh, Mean Girls is now streaming? Staying in is so totally fetch.
  3. You don’t want to waste the calories or the money. A night out can be hard on your wallet and your waistline. They’ll both thank you in the morning.
  4. Pajamas > all other clothes. Don’t even try to argue with this. It’s a fact.
  5. You want to be productive on Saturday. There’s something satisfying about getting up early on a Saturday, going grocery shopping, hitting the gym, and starting homework all before noon. You’re a big girl now!
  6. You need some quality time with your BFFs, Ben and Jerry. Cherry Garcia and Phish Food are number one in our hearts.
  7. You’re tired of the drama. For one night you would rather not listen to Jen complain about how Ben hooked up with Christine even though Jen really liked Ben and Christine has known that for months. You. Can’t. Even.
  8. You have nothing to wear. Closet full of clothes, nothing to wear. It’s a real problem, we understand, and we recognize it as a perfectly acceptable reason to stay in.
  9. You want to treat yo’ self. Your roommates will be out until 2AM, so there’s no one home to Snapchat terrible pictures of you with a facial mask on, or take videos of you opening a bottle with your elbows because you just painted your nails and can’t risk messing them up. Luxury.
  10. You just don’t feel like it. You do you, girl!

So go ahead, put on your sweats and throw your hair up because you are about to have an awesome night in.

Haley is a student at Clark University studying Management with plans to pursue an MBA. On campus you can find Haley working as an assistant in the President's Office, or dancing (like nobody's watching!) with Clark University Dance Society. Beyond campus she loves her cat, her cousins, and chocolate. Her favorite color is pink, and she could watch The Mindy Project for days. Haley is looking forward to being a part of the Her Campus Clark team!