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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clark chapter.

Ok, I admit it. I might be a little bit of a coffee addict…


On average, I think I drink coffee at least five days a week (sometimes more than once a day). While coffee does help me feel more energized throughout the day, I also realize how much money I spend on just coffee alone.


So, if you’re anything like me, then here are some tips on how to save some money while still getting to enjoy having coffee:


1. Start making your own coffee.

The best way to save money might be to start making your own. Yes, it might not taste exactly the same as getting Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks, but it does save you an extra $3 to $7. Plus, you get to be creative while making it, so you might end up making coffee that tastes even better!


When I don’t go out to buy coffee, I usually use my Keurig or go to the grocery store to buy a carton of Black unsweetened cold brew. While buying cartons of premade coffee might not be the best alternative, it can save you a bit of money in the long run. When I make my own coffee, I have also noticed that I am more aware of what goes into it. Therefore, I only add a bit of almond milk and that is it.


2. Get coffee on campus.

If you’re a student with a meal plan on campus, I highly recommend using your dining dollars to buy coffee. Since it comes with the meal plan and you’re already paying for it with tuition, why not use it. While technically it’s not saving you any money, it does prevent you from spending more. This is definitely something I am trying to do more of myself.


3. Limit yourself.

Now, I’m not saying to never go out to buy coffee but be mindful of how often you’re going. Coffee is not necessarily the healthiest thing in the world. So, try to limit yourself with how many trips you take a week to get coffee. In doing so, you can try other drinks as an alternative. When I am not drinking coffee, I sometimes drink either tea or water to start my day.

Michelle is currently majoring in Management with a concentration in Marketing. She loves to travel and hopes to one day take a dip into marketing world.
Joy is a senior at Clark University majoring in Management on a data analytics and marketing track with a minor in Community Youth and Education Studies. She loves going on road trips and spending time with family and friends. She enjoys trying various cultural cuisines (Indian food is her favorite **Chicken saag with a side of naan please**) and has an obsession with going to Morocco.