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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clark chapter.

Name: Molly Cooksy 

Major: International Development and Social Change

Year: 2012

Hometown: Leverett, MA

Relationship Status: …

Favorite Color: Red

Best/Worst Qualities: When I get nervous I turn bright red and talk too much, and I end up reusing adjectives…even when they don’t apply. I described robbing banks, my grandpa, my tattoo, and feminist rallies all as “goofy” earlier tonight. I also pick at my nails and bust into violent dance numbers without warning. On the positive side, I’ve got a good sense of humor, I’m loyal to my family and friends, and I really enjoy making other people happy.

Fun Fact: I memorized the first chapter of Charlotte’s Web when I was 8

Describe yourself in five words or less: loud, sarcastic, cuddly, supportive…goofy?

Favorite Food: Potatoes (mashed) or asopao with mangú

Hobbies/Activities: Singing, drawing, whilin’ out in footsie pajamas, swimming, and spending time with family and friends 

Favorite thing to do at Clark: hang out on the green in nice weather, lounge on a friend’s porch.

What do I look for in a S.O.: Independence, respect, truth, and willingness to spend time with me and my friends. I’m attracted to people who are happy with where they’re at in their own life, are honest when something is really bothering them, but can also let go of the little stuff. More than anything I hate to be smothered or have things assumed without open conversation. 

Favorite Pick-Up Line: “Uhhhmm, excuse me? Because of your beauty and grace, I just crashed my scooter into that wall over there. I’m going to need your number for insurance purposes.” This way you flatter him/her with your compliments and also impress the shit out of them with the fact that you drive a scooter. Win-win.

Perfect First Date: Apple picking in the fall or a trip to a scenic walk/view. Not a movie – you need to get some talking in on the first date; find some common ground and figure out if there should be a second one.

If you could be a superhero, who you would be and why: Wonder Woman: 1. Amazon Queen 2. Invisible plane 3. Can chill underwater for a really long time 4. Wicked smaht and strong. Enough said.

Best place for a date in Worcester: Tsougas (?) farms for apple picking 

Celeb Crush: Mariska Hargitay, Christian Bale, Mike Wizowski (Can’t resist those green one-eyed guys)

Campus Crush: You

Where I see myself in 5 years: Living in the Caribbean working in a public hospital /NGO

Best advice: My dad always says “around whom does the world not revolve?” Basically just to remember that you’re not the only one out there when you’re having a hard time. Find your common ground and pay it forward. It’s so much better when you’ve got people helping you along and you help back.

A native of California, Caitlin is now a junior at Clark University in Massachusetts studying Psychology and Communications. She is the advertising manager as well as a contributing writer for her university's newspaper, and is involved in various other clubs as well. In addition, she works as a lifeguard and swim instructor. In her free time she enjoys going to sushi and Starbucks with her friends, listening to John Mayer, and swimming.