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5 Ways to Beat the November Grays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clark chapter.

5 Ways to Beat the November Grays

Beautiful fall colors are fading into November grays, and there’s still a brief stretch to go before the Holiday cheer begins. Here are five ways to get through these gray days.

1. Bright Colors 

Just because the weather is gray doesn’t mean your wardrobe has to be as well. While dark shades may be the go to for many of us, because they go well with everything or because they match the weather and our mood, splashing up an outfit with some colors is a great way to brighten up your day. Need some ideas? Try a bold scarf like this one from American Eagle, a bright jacket like this one from Charlotte Russe, or some colorful boots like these­. Not brave enough for bold accessories? Bright nails are a great start! 
2. Weeknight Rituals
We all love the weekends, but trudging through the weekdays just waiting for Friday night to release us from nights of staying in and doing homework isn’t the way to go. While homework and other responsibilities during the week are important to get done, there’s no reason you can’t liven up your weeknights while still getting everything done. Pick one night a week to make dinner with friends. You have to eat anyway, so it’s a great opportunity to be social without taking up much more time. Maybe you and your roommates watch your favorite show together every Wednesday night, or Mondays involve group study dates with some classmates. Whatever it is, choosing some fun routines while still getting your work done is a great way to liven up your week and keep you going ‘till the weekend.

3. Alternatives to Braving the Cold
We all know the drill of trying to go out at Clark on the weekend. Unless there are specific house parties going on (that manage to avoid getting busted) a Friday or Saturday night often ends up with groups wandering up and down Florence St., while everyone who’s legal swarms to the Blarney. While this routine gets trying even during the warm months, when it’s cold out it is brutal. No one wants to trek through the cold in a short skirt and heels. To avoid this scene altogether, develop some alternatives to going out when you don’t have a certain party in mind. Bring back game nights by getting your friends together to play a board game (Apples to Apples, Taboo, and Scategories are a few good ones for these nights). Whether you choose to drink or not, a game night is a great alternative to wandering in the cold. Dinner parties are also an option. Choose a theme (sushi, fondue, etc.), have everyone bring something to contribute, get together, and make a delicious meal.

4. Get Your S*** Together So You Don’t Stress Later 

It’s almost Thanksgiving, and Christmas break won’t be far behind. But don’t forget those nasty things that pop up in between… finals. Getting everything together now, before the holiday parties, fun, and serious stress begin, will save you grief later. Look through all your syllabuses to see what you actually have due for the rest of the year, and make a plan now. Planning out when to start that major essay so you don’t spend Thanksgiving break hunched over your laptop will give you (and your family) a much more relaxing holiday. And knowing when to begin studying for that final will allow you to attend the Holiday Formals without the added stress and guilt of blowing off work.

5. Plan Ahead to Winter Break
As important as it is to plan ahead for your classes and finals before break, it’s also a good idea to look forward to break itself. Start talking to friends to see who will be home when you will be, and begin planning. Looking forward to seeing old friends and having fun can be that extra push you need when you’re sitting in the library staring out the window at gray Worcester.

A native of California, Caitlin is now a junior at Clark University in Massachusetts studying Psychology and Communications. She is the advertising manager as well as a contributing writer for her university's newspaper, and is involved in various other clubs as well. In addition, she works as a lifeguard and swim instructor. In her free time she enjoys going to sushi and Starbucks with her friends, listening to John Mayer, and swimming.