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Isabelle from Animal Crossing is coming to Super Smash Bros

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clark chapter.

This is not a drill. 

Source: https://kotaku.com/the-internet-reacts-to-animal-crossings-isabelle-in-sma-1829058022  


If you’re like me, you probably remember playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf as a kid.

The game involved a character living in a village along with animals where you could fish, catch bugs, hunt for fossils, build up your house, and more.

Isabelle was the assistant to the mayor. Now, she joins the fight in Smash Bros. Ultimate, Nintendo’s much anticipated new game in the series for the Switch. Animal Crossing: New Leaf is also going to be available for the Switch in 2019. 


Source: https://play.nintendo.com/themes/friends/isabelle/  



Isabelle Smash Reveal Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPDc3yVjfNw  


Seeing such an adorable character in an intense fighting game is already hilarious, and the internet has responded accordingly. The memes have already begun to pour in. 



Source: https://twitter.com/garkon_icky/status/1040386573861363717/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1040386573861363717&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fkotaku.com%2Fajax%2Finset%2Fiframe%3Fid%3Dtwitter-1040386573861363717%26autosize%3D1  



Source: https://twitter.com/theycallhimcake/status/1040387993087836160/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1040387993087836160&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fkotaku.com%2Fajax%2Finset%2Fiframe%3Fid%3Dtwitter-1040387993087836160%26autosize%3D1  



Let’s just say that she’s a far cry from helping you out with your house loan.

Julia is a recent graduate of Clark University who loves reading, writing, and entertainment in any form. You can usually find her obsessing over a new show or movie. She shamelessly loves pop music and pop culture in general and her dog Izzie.
Julia is a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Clark University. She is currently a sophomore who is pursuing a bachelor's degree in International Development, along with a minor in Education and a concentration in Africana Studies. Julia aspires to travel the world and all it encapsulates. When she is not writing for Her Campus, Julia can be found in nature, listening to music, indulged in a good book at a local cafe or drowning in her coursework at the library.