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The News As We Grow

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clarion chapter.

As the years go by and as we all get older, we pay more and more attention to the news. When we were younger, most times we would only hear our older relatives discuss topics that we had no idea what it was about. We would hear things and just think to ourselves “oh, okay”. That goes away as we get older. 

Some of us have gotten intrigued by the news at a younger age than others, but as we all grew up, it is apparent to realize that the news has become us and our reality. Every day you either hear or read about something happening out in the world. It could be politics or it could be a new animal born at a zoo near you. Whatever it is, those features are a part of your life.

The topics discussed by our president could happen to you, and if it doesn’t happen to you, it could happy to someone dear to you. At some point(s) in your life, something on the news has hit a spot in your heart causing some type of emotion. 

Not only does the political drama have some sort of effect on your life, so does all of the horror that you hear about. Think about the last traumatic event that you have seen on the news. What were your feelings from viewing that? For the majority of us it is fear, shock, disgust, and quite frankly, the feeling of trust going down the drain. That just proves to you that what you see on the news has an impact on you.

It doesn’t matter if it is happening to you directly, it still takes a part of your life. The news is a shocking reality of what others have the capability to do. 

Clarion University '18.