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Be Proud of Who You Are and Who You Will Be

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clarion chapter.

Think of where you were a year ago. Maybe you have changed and maybe you have stayed relatively the same. College is a time for growth. We develop a more solid understanding of who we are as individuals.

Chances are you are vastly different, more knowledgeable and on a solid ground with understanding what you want out of life. The same goes for Her Campus. We started out a year ago, and girl, we have seen so much progress! In a single year, we became an RSO(registered-student-organization), reached Pink status and were able to reach out to so many girls on Clarion’s campus. This beginning year is our chapter’s defining year. This has set the precedent for how willing we are to work for everything that we have achieved.

If you aren’t where you want to be yet from the person that you were a year ago, just relax and use Her Campus Clarion chapter as your inspiration. You have to work hard to get where you want to go. No matter what, you will get there!

So be happy that you are on the right path and have a goal in mind. Make each year an effort toward obtaining the real and true you. You are beautiful and strong and capable of so many great things as long as you put in the time and effort. You got this! Future you will be able to look back and be proud of how much you have evolved in the span of 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, or 18 months. Either way, you will get to a point where you cannot even recognize who the old you was, and it will be one of the most comforting thoughts you’ve ever had.  Be proud of who you are and who you will be.

I know Her Campus Clarion is very proud of who they are, who they will be, and all of their loyal readers. Thank you to all of the writers and readers of Her Campus Clarion! May we have many more years together supporting one another and brightening each other’s lives.