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Throwback Thursday: Executive Members

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cincinnati chapter.
Throw·back Thurs·day
ˈTHrōˌbak/ ˈTHərzdā,ˈTHərzdē/
  1. When you put a picture from a “while” ago on your social media sites
  2. Throwback Thursday, usually written as `tbt` is an acronym that is commonly used with photos posted on the internet to show an activity that took place some time ago/before.
  3. On Thursdays, anyone can participate in the Throwback Thursday trend by posting content (usually a photo) on social network sites like Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr or Facebook to remember a past event. Photos can be from years ago or from just a few days ago. There aren’t really any limitations, and even though it can be fun to participate, it really just gives people an excuse to post more.
  • Omg Throwback Thursday, I need to find a photo of myself from like hella long ago and post it on Insta.”

​To go along with this trend the executive board members of the Cincinnati’s Her Campus chapter decided to post some throwback of their own:

Tyasia Jenkins: Campus Correspondence



Brandi Emerson: Event Coordinator

Brandi Kelly: Social Media Director

Sam Brown: Publicity Director

Macy Fretz: Sorority Liasion

Nicole Price: Treasurer

Catherine Williams: Lead Photographer

Courtney Kappa: Secretary

Morgan Batanian: Managing Editor


Catherine is pursuing a marketing degree at Lindner College of Business at the University of Cincinnati. She loves her family, and believes family comes first. Catherine is also a strong believer that everything happens for a reason, and to never take a moment for granted because she never knows what will happen next. Fun fact: Catherine is a FOODIE! She loves all things that have to do with food, just look at her articles and you will be able to tell. Live Life, Smile, & Eat Some Good Food!