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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cincinnati chapter.

It is no secret that the world of television is changing. More people are cutting their cable cords and switching to online streaming services like Netflix & HuluNot only are past TV shows and movies available for consumption, but Netflix has also started producing their own original series including Orange is the New BlackMaster of None and House of Cards 

Now, we don’t have to wait for our favorite show to come one every week. Instead, Netflix releases original series’ all at once, forcing us to binge watch an entire series in one day! We are currently witnessing a completely new era of television. More people are watching their shows on their computers or phones, leaving their TV set strictly as a form of decoration.  

Netflix has had booming success with this branding. More people are cutting their cable cords now more than ever.  


Will the TV every fully disappear?  


I think not.  


While I was beyond excited for the release of season 4 of House of Cards, once I finished it, I was left saying, “now what?” I had finished 13 episodes in four days. Now I can hear the judgement in your voice, don’t act like you’ve never done it! But I was already completely finished with a season, what else did I have to look forward to?  

Yes, a new season will come out, but that will be at least another six months. If House of Cards was featured on a cable channel, I often wonder if it would have its continuous success. As much as I love binge-watching seasons, I think this concept that Netflix has established takes away from the joy of waiting for your favorite TV show every week. There is something about waiting all week for your favorite show to come on, a feeling I don’t think Netflix will ever be able to replicate. Not to mention, Netflix offers no live event coverage–another component offered through a traditional TV.  

What do you think? Do you think all shows should be released by seasons or do you like a more traditional approach?  


Hello! I am a current sophomore here at The University of Cincinnati where I am pursuing my Bachelor's Degree in journalism with an e-media minor. I am also planning on getting a PR certificate as well. When I'm not writing or watching the news (I know, I'm a grandma) you can find me eating a burger or drinking a nice glass of Kroger chocolate milk.