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Miranda Dolan: The Female Drake

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cincinnati chapter.
Age: 18
Hometown: Lima, Ohio
Favorite Food: Watermelon
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Favorite Song: “Legend” by Drake
Dream Job: Housewife
Hobbies: I like to go boating, eat sushi, shop, and I love attending the football games!
Life Motto: “Wolves don’t lose sleep over the opinion of sheep”
Relationship Status: Single AF
Reason I Chose UC: I love Cincinnati, it has a small-town feel in a big city. 
Describe My Style: Chic R&B
Favorite Thing About UC: Football Games
Embarrassing Story: My freshman year of high school we were having an assembly and I tripped going up the bleachers, rolled to the bottom and broke my ankle… in front of the ENTIRE high school.
Favorite Halloween Candy?: POPCORN BALLS! They aren’t candy but they are my favorite!


I'm really a mermaid.