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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cincinnati chapter.

The University of Cincinnati is notorious for bringing new and exciting events to our campus. 

One happening this weekend will be sure to turn up the Christmas spirit (sorry, Thanksgiving) and give you a great way to spend your Saturday.

The event? Crafty Supermarket.

What is it? It’s a huge craft show happening in the UC Rec Center. There will be endless vendors selling their merchandise along with a DJ, food and activities for anyone to enjoy. Because it’s happening at the Rec, getting to this event is easy. 

Alright so you said it was Saturday(11/19), what times? 11am to 6 pm.

For more information about this event, click here.

I’ll be there, will you??

Maddie Huggins is a fourth year student at the University of Cincinnati. Originally from Columbus, she quickly learned to swap out the OSU scarlet and grey for UC red and black. Maddie has loved writing since she was a little girl and is always down for a good time. She prides herself in being the world's best hugger.