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5 Things to do Before Halloween

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cincinnati chapter.

Have you already finished everything on your Halloween checklist? Or do you even have a Halloween checklist? There are probably some things you want to avoid doing every year for Halloween: like taking your sibling trick-or-treating or passing out candy. However, some activities just have to be done by the holiday.

Number one on the to-do list: DECORATE! It doesn’t feel like Halloween without some spider webs or dramatic lighting in the house. Decorating always sets the mood, especially for holidays. And it’s a great way to start off the season right. The second big item that is important to both decorating and the Halloween season is carving pumpkins! You can’t go wrong with pumpkin carving. It’s a great activity to do with friends or family, and it also gets those creative juices flowing. Even if your pumpkin design doesn’t turn out the way you want it to, you’re still able to eat the seeds! There is no loss in pumpkin carving.The third item on the to-do list is going to a haunted house. It’s one of the most thrill-seeking adventures someone can experience throughout the year. You can’t just pass this opportunity because you won’t be able to do anything like it any other time of the year! I get it, some people aren’t into spooky stuff. But if you’re one of these people, I’d definitely recommend going to a corn maze instead! People still have loads of fun, and what’s better than walking through isles upon isles of food? Not much!Costume shopping is next on the list! It’s always so much fun coming up with a great costume every year. But it also takes a lot of time and research. My go-to is definitely Pinterest. I get more ideas from Pinterest than anywhere else. And when that doesn’t seem to work out, I try to get my ideas from the world around me, and go to a costume shop or even a thrift store! Once I have my idea ready, and my outfit is all planned out, then it’s time to figure out the makeup. I’m one to test a lot of different makeup looks so I know which one will look the best for when I go out, and then I don’t have to panic. But little do you know, Halloween is right around the corner (tomorrow, actually).Last of all, before the big Halloween night, go grab yourself a Pumpkin Spice Latte and cuddle up in your nicely decorated house and turn on a Halloween movie! My favorite Halloween movies are classics such as Hocus Pocus, Halloweentown, and The Nightmare Before Christmas. Once you’re done with the Halloween to-do list, pop in your favorite creepy movie, and get yourself ready for an amazingly spooky Halloween night!




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Hi, my name is Liv! I am a full time student at the University of Cincinnati. I am majoring in fine arts and specializing in interior decoration. I love being able to use my creative talent and turn it into a career!