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Chicago: An Interview with Sarah Weinschenker

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chatham chapter.


Slick your hair and wear your buckle shoes, because this year the Chatham University Drama Club is putting on a production of Chicago, and Her Campus Chatham is bringing you an exclusive interview with one of the show’s directors – Sarah Weinschenker!

How did the Drama Club come to be? When did you first get involved?

I believe the Drama Club was created a few years ago after the Theater Department was liquidated. My first production at Chatham was as the Narrator in The Rocky Horror Show last fall when I was a first-year.

Since then, you’ve played two characters – a vengeful ghost and hopeful college applicant – in the One Act Festival, and Alice, an evil fairy, in Sleeping. What has been your favorite production to work on so far? Why?

That’s a tough one! I’ve enjoyed working on every production so far. Each one has challenged my abilities and has pushed me to do things I didn’t think I was capable of doing.

What have the responses to the Drama Club been like from faculty and students?

For the most part, we get a rather positive response from faculty and students. It’s always a great feeling when someone on campus says, “I can’t wait to see (insert show name)!” or “How is the show going?”

What challenges do you face putting on these shows?

As I mentioned briefly before, each show I have worked on has challenged me in different ways. For Chicago, however, the biggest challenge I face, so far, is finding a balance between co-director and peer. It’s a very hard thing to try and do, but it’s a very important aspect to remember, and I’m constantly reminding myself to make sure I’m in the clear and not overstepping my boundaries.

Why do you feel that the Drama Club holds a special place in the Chatham community?

The Drama Club is one of the few places on campus where everyone comes together despite all of our different interests. As a vocal student, I love the rush of performing, and I love to hear feedback from everyone on how to improve and push my abilities as a performer. However, I also love all of the behind-the-scenes things and knowing how to operate a theater. My favorite part is being around and getting to know all of the wonderful people within the club. We have such a collection of very different people in the Drama Club—from Math and Chemistry majors to Creative Writing, English and Music majors.

Tell me more about Chicago. How was this play selected, how is production going now, and what do you look forward to most about putting on this musical?

Chicago was selected last year at the beginning of the spring semester, I believe… So far, production is operating rather smoothly. Maria Shoop (co-director) and Angi Francalancia (choreographer) are great to work with, and we all seem to be on the same page with all of our ideas for the show. I love collaborating with everyone – the cast and the crew – and one of the things I look forward to the most is seeing how everyone develops and grows as a person and as a performer or crew member.

What about The Vagina Monologues? This is a cherished tradition in the Chatham community. What are your thoughts?

The Vagina Monologues are a great opportunity for members to be involved in a smaller show instead of a bigger production, where it’s a lot harder to manage time. This is not to say The Vagina Monologues are less in value (anything but!), but this is to say it’s a much more independent and individualistic show compared to musicals and plays, and many of our members are able to perform in this show.

Any other comments you have for our audience?

We’ve had a ton of support from our audience, and I just want to thank everyone. We thank you so much for your constant dedication, and we can’t wait for you all to see Chicago!

More about Sarah:

I am currently a sophomore taking 20 credits, and I was accepted into the Scholar program last spring. I work as the assistant to the Choir Director, Stacey Conner, and as a student leader at the Phonathon Annual Fund. Also, I am a new RA in Woodland. This year, I have the honor of participating in the Pops Concert for the All-Star Choir with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra in mid-October.

I love to watch movies and memorize the names of people involved in the film, read, sing, play the violin, listen to music and spend time with friends and family…. My biggest aspiration at this point in my life: I would like to one day become a professional opera singer and travel from country to country singing.

Five words to describe myself: Silly, understanding, respectful, fun, dedicated.

HerCampus Chatham's Entertainment Writer, Onastasia Youssef graduated from high school in 2010 and entered Chatham University the same year. Although she majors in Art History and English, she has always had a passion for music journalism. She hopes to engage her readers with exciting stories that will broaden their knowledge of musical genres and provide them with the very latest in the entertainment world. Random Fun Facts: Favorite Movie - The Avengers Favorite Album - No Fences Favorite Color - Blue Favorite Food - Yogurt (yes, yogurt)
  Mara Flanagan is entering her seventh semester as a Chapter Advisor. After founding the Chatham University Her Campus chapter in November 2011, she served as Campus Correspondent until graduation in 2015. Mara works as a freelance social media consultant in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She interned in incident command software publicity at ADASHI Systems, gamification at Evive Station, iQ Kids Radio in WQED’s Education Department, PR at Markowitz Communications, writing at WQED-FM, and marketing and product development at Bossa Nova Robotics. She loves jazz, filmmaking and circus arts.