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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chatham chapter.


Chelsea P. Love

Year: Sophomore

Hometown and Your Favorite Thing About It: 

I grew up in the small town of Matamoras, PA. My favorite thing about my hometown is Roma Pizza. It is one of the best pizza places we have.

Areas of Study and Why You Chose Them:

I am really interested in Interior Design and Interior Architecture. It is just something I really enjoy and would love to make a career out of.

Favorite Books:

I could never pick just one book. I love so many. For instance, Elsewhere, Harry Potter, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Maximum Ride, Howl’s Moving Castle, The Mortal Instruments, Dealing with Dragons, The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemist, They Don’t Play Hockey in Heaven. Oh, and one book I can read forever is The Death of 100 Dogs.

Favorite Movies:

Movies would have to be Godzilla, Miracle, Disney movies, Jurassic Park 1 and 3, Spirited Away, Wreck-It Ralph, Iron Man, The Avengers, and a lot more. I hate picking favorites. Can you tell?

Favorite TV Shows:

Supernatural, Sherlock, Dr. Who, Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, and NHL games

Favorite Foods:

Cheeseburgers, potatoes in all forms, steak, bread, Italian food, and mac & cheese

Favorite Musicians/Bands:

Pearl Jam, Def Leppard, Aerosmith, Rolling Stones, Skrillex, Kapslap, Steve Aoki, and a lot of random songs from every genre and time period. I really love music.

Favorite Quote:

“A boat is safe in the harbor. But this is not the purpose of a boat.”–Paulo Coelho

What do you love most about the springtime?

All of the rain and how nice it smells outside.

What’s your best advice for students studying for finals?

Load up on coffee, don’t forget to eat, take naps when you can, and don’t stress over things you have no control over. Just be prepared for the worst.

Which Maymester class are you taking this year and why?

I chose Sustainability in Action because it is an important issue and should be a great class to take.

Childhood Dream Job:

Teacher, Pilot, and Dinosaur. I really wanted to be a dinosaur.

Current Dream Job:

I would love to be able to be an interior designer or help people design their dream homes.

What do you love most about being a Chatham woman?

The fact that I know I will be a world ready woman by the time I graduate. I know I will be prepared for whatever my future will throw at me. We are a pretty small school, but when people hear Chatham they know we are excellent students, hard workers, and have pretty good character.

  Mara Flanagan is entering her seventh semester as a Chapter Advisor. After founding the Chatham University Her Campus chapter in November 2011, she served as Campus Correspondent until graduation in 2015. Mara works as a freelance social media consultant in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She interned in incident command software publicity at ADASHI Systems, gamification at Evive Station, iQ Kids Radio in WQED’s Education Department, PR at Markowitz Communications, writing at WQED-FM, and marketing and product development at Bossa Nova Robotics. She loves jazz, filmmaking and circus arts.