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The Artist Collective’s Funnel Cakery

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chatham chapter.

On January 16th, the Artist Collective hosted a research and development team focused on how to make the tastiest funnel cake of all time. You can expect that it was berry awesome. They found that the perfect recipe included not just the golden-brown batter, sugar, or even the strawberries on top.

Instead, members found that it was in having each other’s company. The “Funnel Cakery” was full of fun!  When people weren’t tasting, they were laughing. And when they weren’t laughing, they were smiling. (And when they weren’t smiling – well, when wouldn’t they have been smiling? Funnel cakes have “fun” in their name.)

For the next few weeks, the Artist Collective will be fundraising with funnel cakes from 11-12 on Thursdays at the Carriage House. Suggested donations will be $5.

Be sure to bring your sweet tooth!

I am a college sophomore double-majoring in math and biology. Some of my hobbies include doodling, juggling, orienteering, martial arts, reading, and writing short stories. In the future, I see myself experimenting with more activities. And, if you take my derivative, you'd probably find that I'm infinite~! -My art portfolio is located on my website (www.poparu.com), which is updated on a monthly basis. It shows my progress from freshman year (9th grade) to present.
  Mara Flanagan is entering her seventh semester as a Chapter Advisor. After founding the Chatham University Her Campus chapter in November 2011, she served as Campus Correspondent until graduation in 2015. Mara works as a freelance social media consultant in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She interned in incident command software publicity at ADASHI Systems, gamification at Evive Station, iQ Kids Radio in WQED’s Education Department, PR at Markowitz Communications, writing at WQED-FM, and marketing and product development at Bossa Nova Robotics. She loves jazz, filmmaking and circus arts.