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Your Guide to a Successful Black Friday Shopping Experience

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Tis the Season for Black Friday Shopping! Are you ready? Here are some tips for you to get the most out of your Black Friday shopping experience this Thanksgiving season!

1. Lists, lists, lists!

What are you looking to buy? Make a list of these items. Also, keep in mind that with Christmas coming up you may want to include presents for friends and family on your list!

2. Do your research

What stores have the best discounts and deals, and at what times? Some stores have early bird and/or night owl specials, so be sure to keep your eye out for those. Additionally, you’ll want to compare prices in advance that way you get the best deal out there.

3. Be real with yourself

Do you have a lot to buy or could you avoid the hassle of Black Friday shopping and just do your shopping online? Are the lines really going to be worth the wait? There’s always Cyber Monday!

4. Eat a good meal before you head out

The last thing you need on Black Friday is to faint or become ill from lack of food. Make sure to pack snacks and something to drink in your bag just in case you get hungry or thirsty later.

5. Dress comfortably!

Odds are it’s going to be a long day so dress comfortably and wear something that’ll be easy to change in and out of if you’re going to be shopping for clothes.

6. Gift receipts

Don’t forget your gift receipts just in case you decide to return or exchange something later!