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Woman of the Week: Ellie Donohue

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Name: Ellie Donohue

Year: Senior

Major: Business Administration

Hometown: Groton, Massachusetts

Who is your biggest role model and why? My biggest role model without a doubt is my mom. She is everything a woman should be: poised, confident, intelligent, nurturing, and hilarious. I wouldn’t be where I am today without her constantly reading over all my writing, offering advice, and supporting all my dreams. Plus, she sends me Chipotle gift cards in the mail, just because.

You are graduating in May, what are your plans after college? I just accepted a full-time job offer from Deutsch Inc. in LA! I am beyond excited.

Do you have any advice for Chapman students that want to make the most of their time here? Do everything you can. Meet as many people as you can. Get involved with everything that interests you. Four years go by way too fast. You’ll always have Netflix, home, and your best friends, but you won’t always this amazing campus with amazing opportunities. And study abroad! Living in a foreign country is incredible and totally changes your perspective on life. Seriously, you should do it.


Name your favorite memory from senior year. Besides getting to ask cute boys Her Campus interview questions every week? Kidding. Going to Vietnam for spring break was one of the most surreal experiences. We got to boat in Ha Long Bay, which was so beautiful.

Are there any women that come to mind that you think had a significant impact on you? Honestly, the closest women in my life, because they are the most confident I know. This has significantly increased my own confidence. When you are surrounded by go-getters, it inspires you to go after what you want. Positive people build others up, and I think all women should do this for eachother.

What is one thing you think all women should know? You can literally do anything you set your mind to. That job, internship, test, your crush..whatever it is you want. Make a plan, go after it and work hard. And use the people around you for support! It’s not always a competition.

How are you involved on campus? Her Campus has proudly been my life this year. Besides that, I am a member of Delta Gamma and a frequent visitor of Leatherby Libraries. I’ll miss you, study room 209.