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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

With the cold winds slowly approaching, it is time to take your hair to a whole new level this winter! No need to wear your hair in a high pony everytime you go outside so you don’t die of a heat stroke. These fun hair styles are up and coming this winter, and who knows, maybe you can start the next trend! I spoke with hair stylist Shelbi Ramsey of Visellia, California and she gave some great insight into this seasons new styles and colors. “Vivid and pastel colors are what everyone is asking for” was her comment on the new hair colors popping up everywhere this season. She also commented on hairstyles that are making their mark this season, “The rosegold hombre is what every celebrity hair stylist is talking about, and also a lot of knots and fishtail braids are in style”. As well as styles that will go perfectly with that new peacoat and booties, dark roots along with pastel colors are very in this year. 2015 is all about creative colors and classy half up/half down do’s that will look great flowing in that crisp winter air!