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Why You Should Visit Disneyland Alone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

I have been an avid Disneyland goer my whole life, but had always been apprehensive when it came to going alone. I mean, what’s the point of going to the Parks if you can’t enjoy and share the magic of it with your friends and family, right? Here are some of the perks of going to Disneyland alone:

Single rider lines: Probably the most obvious one is being able to go through the single rider line for rides like Indiana Jones, Matterhorn Bobsleds and Splash Mountain. It cuts down a lot of wait time, which is really great when the regular line has a 120 minute wait time. 


Weaving through the crowd is a lot easier: When you’re with a big group, it’s inevitable that you’ll get caught in a traffic jam just as your fastpass time is about to expire. Being alone makes it a lot easier to maneuver through all the hand-holding couples and strollers that concentrate the park.  

Getting the best seats for all the shows and parades: When you’re with a group of people, you have to find a big enough space for everyone to sit or stand comfortably to watch the show or parade. When I went solo at Disney, I was able to find a tiny spot at the very front for Mickey’s Soundsational Parade on Main Street. I got there just in time for Tinkerbell to wave at me and Princess Tiana to blow me a kiss.

You can go at your own pace: Sometimes when you’re with others, they want to just rush through everything, or take a break every five minutes. When you’re alone, you can move freely at your own pace, which can save you a lot of energy and agitation.

You can eat whatever and whenever you want: We all know the struggle of being hungry when your friends aren’t, and vice versa. Or when you want Pizza Port, but your friend wants Cafe Orleans. You won’t have to worry about that if you’re by yourself! When I was solo at Disney, I got a dole whip twice and ate at about five different restaurants throughout the day, something I probably couldn’t have done had I been with a bunch of my friends. 

You see a lot of things you might have missed before: No matter how many times you’ve been to Disneyland, chances are you still haven’t seen everything the park has to offer. You’ll be surprised at how many things you may notice when it’s just you walking around at your own pace.

You gain the confidence to do things on your own: Probably the most important takeaway is that once you conquer Disneyland alone, you feel so much more confident in yourself and your ability to be self sufficient. Sure, the company of others is great, but once I finally went to Disneyland alone, I realized how important enjoying my own company was.

So the next time your friends are too busy to go with you to Disneyland, don’t let that stop you from having the time of your life at The Happiest Place on Earth!