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Why You Need an On Campus Job

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

1. They understand that you’re a student first.

You don’t have to explain to your bosses that you have a midterm on Monday and can’t work the night shift this week. On-campus jobs are great at understanding that you’re a student before anything else, and that it’s hard to balance work, school, and other activities.

2. They work around your school schedule, not the other way around.

Working on-campus means that they take into consideration every employees’ class schedule before making a work schedule. Again, they understand that you’re a student and have to make sure you can fit everything in! This makes balancing a job so much less stressful.

3. It really is a work-study environment (well, most of the time).

Most on-campus jobs are pretty laid back, which means there is often downtime during a slow shift or during breaks where you can fit in some studying time.

4. Being on-campus means it’s close to you and easily accessible. 

Working on-campus means that you can make your shift start right after class and not worry about making it on time. Basically, it kills two birds with one stone: work and school in one place. What could make life easier?

5. You get to work with your friends. 

If you get a job where you work with other students, you’re guaranteed to have a blast working with a bunch of other people your age and from different majors, affiliations, and clubs that you wouldn’t have met otherwise. It’s much better than an off-campus job where the age groups can be mixed, and it’s easy to feel a bit out of place.

6. They can actually be really fun!

Most of the time, working on-campus can be a truly fun experience. An added bonus to making some cash on the side. What are you waiting for? Go apply for some amazing opportunities!