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What Your Starbucks Order Says About You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

We all love our Starbucks. Especially when there is one on campus! #blessed You may not realize it, but your order says a lot more about you than you think!


You grew up drinking hot chocolate, and now are trying to switch to coffee. We appreciate your effort. You’re getting there. (Side Note: Aussie Bean has the best mocha. Done.)


You’re a simple being, and have a classic, warm heart. You have absolutely Instagrammed a picture of your latte art at some point or another. We have all been there, no shame.


Nice shoes are your forté, and you probably work in the entertainment industry. You have a bubbly personality, and most likely it’s paired with a milk mustache.


Either you are a classy Italian who likes the true Machiatto, espresso and a dollop of foam, or you go to Starbucks too much and have been fooled by just a caramel latte.

Espresso Shot

How dare your friends doubt your ability to write your 10 page paper in one night?! You are in a long-distance relationship with your bed and the inside of your eyelids. However, you’re getting so much done!

Hot Chocolate 

You put your pajamas on the second you get home, and you most likely wear fuzzy socks under your combat boots.


There is no time to mess around in your schedule. Your planner has more notes in it than your history notebook. 


Coffee is obviously not your thing. Not only does tea have so many health benefits, but it also gives you the caffeine boost we’re all looking for!


It may be a hot summer day, but you came to Starbucks looking for a milkshake that also keeps you awake. Obviously not the best thing for your health, but who can resist having a salted caramel mocha frappe when it comes out?

Add Ons:

Soy Milk 

Possibly lactose intolerant, also possibly afraid of cows. You are probably drinking your beverage while reading a book and contemplating life. 

Coconut Milk

Also possibly lactose intolerant, but you also are super stoked that Starbucks has added this option. Your favorite breakfast is also a smoothie bowl with the fruit cleanly chopped and aesthetically placed on top.

Whip Cream

You live life to the fullest.

Cookie Straw

“Treat Yo-Self” is your motto whenever you are at a restaurant. You also give great hugs.


You are almost completely on the coffee-drinking lifestyle! You enjoy rainy days and reading quality books by large windows.


Elf is your favorite holiday movie and you are up to date, awaiting eagerly for the famed Starbucks red cups. (According to http://www.countdowntoredcups.com, we’re hoping for November 6th!)


It’s a hot day, or you live in California and get this year round. #guilty