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What You Won’t Admit You Did Over Spring Break (But Definitely Did)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

1. You watched endless amounts of Netflix.

I’m sure we will never admit how many seasons on Netflix we watched during those 10 days. Like seriously, let’s just take that to the grave.

2. You ate copiously.

March is about getting that spring break body. Spring break is about ruining all your hard work as fast as you can. How many Mom-made muffins did you eat? I’d tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.

3. You stayed in bed all day.

No 8:30 am to wake up for? No midterms? No obligations or responsibilities or any reason to to get out of bed whatsoever? There’s a simple solution: you just didn’t get out of bed. MAYBE you arose to use the bathroom or grab some food…maybe.

4. You ditched your friends to hang out with your parents.

I’m sure this was rarely the case in high school, but coming home from college can give you a new appreciation for your parents, your home, and your dog. Sometimes, watching a movie with your parents or family game night can beat any night out with your friends.

5. You don’t remember last night.

You couldn’t even tell people what happened, even if you wanted to.